~Intermission Part V~

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A/N: First of all, thank you so so much for all the votes on this series, ysabelnn! When I woke up to all the notifs I was like WHAT (in the BEST way) haha. Thank you to hillichurly as well! Hope everyone enjoys this chapter, but especially you two! :D

ALSO ANNOUNCMENT! THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR OVER 10K READS?!! The last chapter I posted a week ago was under 10 and now we're sitting at 10.7k reads. I had planned to write a 10k surprise chapter that takes place in the future and started writing it but didn't think we'd get here that fast LOL. It's been officially 1 year since I started writing this and I've seen a lot of growth in my writing (which was the purpose). So, next chapter will be the 10k chapter and will include characters from a timeline in the future, so you know what that means hehe. 

Anyway, onto this chapter, enjoy!

Italic: Thoughts

Bold: Narration/P.O.V

Italic Bold: Location/Date/Time

Misaki's P.O.V:

"There, does that explain it?" Misaki asked, pointing her pencil at the equation she wrote down, for the third time. On her left, Takemichi clenched at his head in frustration and moaned.

"I'm never going to get this! My mom's gonna kill me if I get kicked out!" 

She sighed for the umpteenth time and leaned her head on her hand, before peering over at Takashi from across the table. He sent her a look that screamed 'Don't look at me' paired with a tight-lipped smile, and she rolled her eyes. 

They had all agreed to get some much needed studying in, which is why she was currently sitting in her room with Takashi, Takemichi and Chifuyu. Plus, she needed to make additional time to get notes prepared for Keisuke. That was what she planned to spend most of her evening doing, but, Takemichi's lack of knowledge on pretty much any subject distracted from that. 

I know it's been a while since he's been in school, but we still have to keep up appearances. What's this guy doing all day?  

"Chifu, do you think you can go over it one more time with him?" Misaki then asked, trying to hide the exasperation in her tone. She sent him a pleading look, even batting her lashes in an attempt to get the green-eyed boy on her side. He blinked, staring at her momentarily before eyeing Takemichi's distraught form and nodding. 

A sigh of relief left her lips and they quickly upturned into a smile. Then, closing her math textbook, she piled it on top of her others. Her work had been done much earlier, considering she was always one to be ahead in her studies. Plus, she was in the advanced classes so her material was way different then both Chifuyu's and Takemichi's, given they were in the same school as her. Takashi was also rather bright, so he never really needed much assistance.

Pulling out her notes from the remedial classes that she was able to sit in on for the dark-haired boy, she began to comb over them to make sure they were written in a way he'd understand. 

Keisuke wasn't dumb per se, and, he definitely was working harder in his studies this year given he was held back, but, books weren't for him. She understood they weren't for everyone, and just wanted to get him good enough grades to pass onto high school. Given everything that had happened on Bloody Halloween, not only did she want to help him, she also wanted to make sure his mom didn't worry. 

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