~Intermission Part III~

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November 13th, 2002

Misaki's P.O.V.

"S-stop Mikey, that tickles!" Misaki squealed through laughs, tears running down her face. Mikey snickered but stopped tickling her. 

"It's a birthday tradition! Just be lucky I went easy on you this time!" He pouted, arms crossed. Misaki finally caught her breath and chuckled at his response. Standing, she walked over and tousled his short hair, causing him to whine.

"Yeah, that's true. I never know when it's coming, though! I guess I should start being on guard, huh..." She said, muttering the last part to herself.

"Thanks for having me over though, Mikey! Today is already the best day!" She then shouted, pumping her fists in the air. Mikey shook his head with a small smile on his face.

"Well, come on! You haven't even seen your surprise yet!" 

Mikey then grabbed onto her hand and dragged her out of his room to head downstairs. It was eerily dark and quiet, that is, until, they both reached the living room.

"SURPRISE!!!" came a loud shout, followed by many 'happy birthday's!' 

The lights turned on to show the people Misaki was closest to, her best friends. There was Draken, Baji, Mitsuya, Kazutora and Emma, along with Shinichiro, Wakasa and Keizo. 

She smiled softly and turned to Mikey. "You were supposed to distract me, right?" 

He nodded and motioned to Shinichiro. "He planned it all though! Said turning 12 is a big deal!" 

She then turned to everyone and bowed, before saying, "Thank you so much, everyone!" 

As she rose, she felt the warming sensation of blush beginning to appear on her cheeks. Shinichiro took that moment to walk over and ruffled her hair lovingly before placing a party hat on her head.

"No need to thank us, Misa! It's your birthday and we wanted to make sure you got a celebration you deserved! Brother 'Chiro has your back!" stated the former Black Dragon leader cheerily, pointing a thumb to his chest. 

Misaki felt her blush deepen at his words and she lowered her head, feeling embarrassed.

"Ehhh? Why are you so red, Misaki!?" She then heard Baji yell as he walked over to her. Her eye twitched in annoyance and she bonked him on the head causing him to whine in pain. 

"Shut it, dummy!" She yelled before stomping off, red-faced. She walked over to Draken then and held her arms open. He took the cue and picked her up, spinning her around in a circle, his face void of any emotion. She held her arms out like a bird would with wings and laughed, before he placed her down and patted her head softly.

"Thanks, Kenny!" 

He smiled softly at her then. "It's your day, so no thanks needed. Happy birthday, Misaki." 

She smiled at him and then walked over to Mitsuya and Kazutora, who turned when they noticed her coming.

"Were you surprised?" Mitsuya asked, a soft smile on his face. Misaki snickered and nodded.

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