Fuck Off

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Misaki's P.O.V.

A moment after Koko had made his violent declaration, a boy of average height and a slim build walked forward to stand next to him. The first thing she noticed was the deep burn scar that positioned itself on the upper left side of his face, which contrasted against his rather pale - almost porcelain-like - skin. The next thing she noticed were his striking emerald eyes, that looked rather bored. He wore his sunflower-blonde hair in a middle part with an undercut underneath. He wore the same uniform Koko had on, the only difference being...he paired it with heels?

I mean...it kind of works?

He stared at them all with a rather neutral expression on his face, before saying in just as neutral of a tone, "Go get'em, boys." 

He speaks as if he's telling a customer to look in aisle 4 for sugar, not like he's sending a group of delinquents to beat up some teens. 

The Black Dragon members who had previously paused in their crusade towards them moved forward again, causing Hakkai to step in front of them all, glaring at Koko and the jewel-eyed stranger.

"Lay off, guys! Takemitchy is my buddy and they," he motioned to the rest of us, "...have no problems with you all!"

Misaki peered over her shoulder to see that Yuzuha had moved to position herself in front of Hina, who had begun to shake in fear, to which Misaki was thankful for.

"Hina, I think you need to stay back and get out of here..."

Yuzuha rolled up the sleeves of her uniform, before glaring forward.

"...They don't go easy on girls."

An audible gulp left Hina as her eyes widened, realizing how serious the situation actually was. 

"I agree with Yuzuha, Hina. I really think you need to get out of here." Misaki stated, turning back to eye the oncoming members in front of them. She was ready for whatever was to come, and ready to protect her friends.

"Hakaiiiiiii," Koko then drawled.

"Even friends of our young master need to be taught proper lessons. Because, our gang doesn't listen to you, you see." 

As they continued closer, they began to circle and surround them. Misaki could make out various leers and taunts from the Black Dragon members around them towards herself and Takemichi and she scoffed.

"Oi, so that's Hanagaki?"

"Didn't expect him to look like such a pussy."

"If I kill that bitch, I'll get some serious street cred." 

"I've always wanted to beat a girl like her down, she probably thinks too highly of herself."

Misaki noticed Hakkai's brow twitching in anger and he moved to stand in front of them all.

"I don't care what you say..." He muttered, eye scanning the crowd.

"I told you not to hurt my friends." 

His eyes softened seemingly in a final plea. "So, please."

A member stepped forward, brows furrowed and a grimace on his face. 

"Hakkai! Didn't you hear what he said? We don't take orders from you!" 

Misaki heard a chuckle come from another member.

"...so we do get to kill the girls, huh? You think there's anything else we can do to'em beforehand?" 

Misaki clenched her fist the same time Hakkai did, and, as quickly as she could, she found the man who spoke such nasty words, and punched him square in the face. She watched as he fell to the ground, completely knocked out, and she spit on him in disgust, glaring at his bloodied and broken face. She held back, in order not to kill him, but not enough to not seriously disfigure him.

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