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Italic: Thoughts

Bold W/Underline: Narration/P.O.V

Italic Bold W/Underline: Location/Date/Time

Third-Person P.O.V:

"What?!" was both Chifuyu's and Misaki's initial response to Takemichi. This was a rather natural response, considering, they had just found out he can't go back to the future anymore.

"Yeah...with Naoto about to take his last breath, I leapt back through time. I thought that maybe I could go back and save him but you..." He held his breath for a moment before shaking his head. "Sorry, Misaki from the future told me I couldn't come back. That with Naoto dead in that time-line, I wouldn't be able to come back to the past. Not until we fixed everything." 

Chifuyu's mouth dropped into an 'O' while Misaki just blinked.

Takemichi lowered his head, the actions of their future selves lingering heavy on his mind. They weren't able to change anything, after all. But, if one thing was to come out of this, it was a new resolve for the cry-baby delinquent.

"This time...this time it'll be different." He then stated, fists tightening at his sides. "There will be no mercy for Kisaki. He's the puppeteer behind all of this. He's using the leader of Tenjiku to create the worst future yet. Izano Kurokawa...we need to crush him." 

A brief silence sat between the trio as they all stood in Takemichi's bedroom, various thoughts flying through all of their heads.

"The only thing I'm confused his connection to Mikey. In the future, Mikey is dead. We knew that already based off of my jump before this. This jump though...he upset that he was dead. I assumed they didn't know each other, or Izana hated him, since he's so intent on going against Toman. But, what if that isn't the case?" Takemichi rambled out.

Misaki held a hand to her chin and slightly shook her head. "I'm not sure...when I spoke to Manjiro after the Tenjiku meeting, he said he met him the day everyone was attacked, but didn't recognize him or his name."

Takemichi and Chifuyu nodded, as Misaki had explained to the both of them before Takemichi began that she had met with both Draken and Manjiro and explained her undercover information seeking. Chifuyu knew she had kept busy since Takemichi's previous leap through time, but even he was surprised at how much more information she had received and kept to herself. 

"Wait..." Chifuyu started, "Didn't you say that before you and Naoto ran off, that you were meeting with Taiju? To get information?" 

Takemichi thought back for a moment before a expression look appeared on his face. "Oh shit, yeah! I kinda glossed over that part..."

Misaki and Chifuyu both sweat-dropped and Takemichi let out an awkward laugh before his expression returned to that of a serious one.

"So we know that Taiju was the leader of the 10th generation, right?! And, that Madarame guy was the 9th generation leader, and the reason Toman was first created?" 

Misaki and Chifuyu both nodded at  this, which ushered the teen to continue. "So, Taiju told me that Izana was the leader before him, the 8th generation leader! It would have been before Toman's time, so it makes sense that no one would have made that connection! He also confirmed he was a part of the S-62 generation, although, we pretty much already knew that."

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