
370 23 1

Italic: Thoughts

Bold: Narration/P.O.V

Italic Bold: Location/Date/Time

Misaki's P.O.V:

"What're doing here?" Rindou asked, a bored expression on his face. Misaki stared at him for a moment, mouth slightly agape, before her eyes found their way towards Ran's figure, who was currently sucking the life out of some chicks face. Averting her eyes back towards Rindou's, she prepared to answer his question. However, not a moment before she did so, Ran's loud voice was heard.

"Rin! Is that Misaki??" He questioned, pulling away from the girl he had been making out with to stare towards their entryway. He must of realized it was indeed her, as his eyes widened and a smirk appeared on his face. Shoving the girl away from him (harshly, she may add), he rose and quickly sauntered towards the door, pulling it open even wider before scooching his younger (and now more irritated) brother out of the way.

"To what do I owe the pleasure~" He stated a little too enticingly. A nervous chuckle left her lips before she clasped both hands behind her back.

"Sorry for coming so abruptly and disturbing your...plans," She began, again making eye contact to the now floor-ridden and glaring guest of Ran. "...I just had some questions and was wondering if you had time to answer them. I can come back another time, though." 

Ran swatted her last words away before ushering her inside, hand placed a little too low on her waist.

"It's never a bother if it's you, Misa~" 

Despite being aware that Ran was definitely a total ladies man, she couldn't help but blush. 

"Get out." He then bluntly stated, directing his words towards the girl who had been left on the floor. She stared at him, mouth agape, before averting her eyes back towards Misaki, a glowering look apparent in them.

"Listen here you little slut, I found him first so don't think-" 

"I said get out." 

Misaki was surprised at the venom in his tone, but she supposed he wasn't the leader of Roppongi for nothing. 

The girl must have sensed it too, as she quickly scrambled up, grabbed her purse, and high-tailed it out the door. 

"Never mind that, what is it that I can help you with?" Ran then asked, before plopping lazily down onto the couch, arms outstretched.

An awkward cough escaped Misaki's lips and she sat on the chair across from him, same as before.

"Yeah, actually...I was wondering if you had heard of any new gang activity." 

Ran hummed, tilting his head to the side. "Ah, you mean, in regards to the 350 members Toman lost?" 

Her eyes widened slightly at his words, but he waved them off with a smirk. "I hear just about everything, remember? Besides, that was rather big news. Bold of the Invincible Mikey to claim he could do without the numbers. Stupid, but bold." 

She blinked once. Then twice. "Uh, sure. But yeah, Manjiro cleared out the former members of both Moebius and Valhalla." 

Ran nodded. "Probably for the best. They weren't the most put together of gangs, anyway. But, you want to know if these previous members have been up to something, right?" 

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