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Misaki's P.O.V.

"Ah, you made it." Stated Mitsuya as he opened the door to his home. He sent her a small smile and welcomed her in with a wave of his hand.

"Yeah, of course! Sorry I'm late, though. You can blames these cretins." She noted, her tone dropping slightly at the latter half of her words. She then pointed her thumb behind her towards both Baji and Chifuyu. Needless to say, they were both holding back mischievous smirks.

Mitsuya gave her a questioning look and she shook her head, waving him off. "I happened to pass them as they were beating up some kids and they followed me because I have food." 

A soft 'oh' left his lips in understanding and she nodded while rolling her eyes. 

She then took her shoes off and followed Mitsuya towards the kitchen table, Baji and Chifuyu close behind.

"Hey! We didn't tag along just for the food, you know." Baji yelled, tugging on a strand of Misaki's hair in an attempt to annoy her.

It worked, and she swatted his hand away before flicking his forward, to which he whined at.

"So why else?" She commented dryly, setting down the food she had prepped for Mitsuya and his sisters.

She saw Baji's hand reaching for the food and she smacked it away and sent him a glare.

"To bother you, obviously. Hey, they say when a girl is mean to you it's because she likes you." He then said, a large shit-eating grin on his face. 

Mitsuya, who had been drinking from a cup as this was said, instantly snorted and nearly spit out his water. Instead of responding to Baji's taunts though, she turned to Chifuyu with an oddly calm and smiling face. "Keep a leash on your Pomeranian, Chifu."

He snickered at her obviously annoyed expressed. "Ah, well you know even I can't do that. Besides, Baji's kinda a idiot."


She shook her head but a small smile crept it's way onto her face. Suddenly, they heard footsteps running down the stairs, and giggling could be heard.

"BIG SIS IS HERE!" they heard both Luna and Mana yell, before they both tackled into Misaki. She smiled brightly and ruffled both of their heads before hugging them back.

"I've missed you guys. Sorry big sis hasn't been here in a while." She commented softly to them, squatting down to their level. 

"It's okay! We know you're busy like big brother!" Luna yelled. Mana nodded and sent her a smile. 

"You two are too cute! Here, I've brought some dinner like I promised.  You guys are hungry, right?" She asked. They nodded and excitedly jumped up onto their seats.

Mitsuya had brought out some plates during her conversation with the girls and passed them over to Misaki so she could plate the food.

"It's kind of you to do this, Misa. You didn't have to, you know." He murmured softly, so the girls wouldn't hear him. She gave him a slight shove and sent him a smile. "Hey, I just didn't want to eat alone, is all." 

He chuckled, aware that she was obviously lying. 

She missed the blush that appeared on his face.

As she was plating, she pointed the spoon she was using towards Baji and Chifuyu. "You're lucky I made a lot. Sit down and eat." 

They both nodded and sat down at the table, each getting their own plate after Mitsuya. 

As she started cleaning up, she noticed no one had touched their plates yet. "Well go on and eat, everyone." She stated, continuing  to tidy up. 

"We're waiting for you, big sis!" Luna replied, sending her a wide smile. Mitsuya nodded.

Now and Then: A Second Chance (Various! Tokyo Revengers Characters X OC)Where stories live. Discover now