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A day later

Misaki's P.O.V.

Misaki twirled around in the computer chair she was sitting in, taking in all the information she had just received. "So, Taiju will be alone on Christmas day, huh..." she mumbled to herself, before stopping the chair to a halt. "Of course, that means, Hakkai will probably attempt to kill him that day then." 

Tetta, who was sitting in a chair in front of her, nodded. He had just shared his account of what took place after the four Toman boys went to visit the Black Dragon mole. Hanma, who was leaning back onto Tetta's bed, chuckled. "That's what that man said...Koko. He's willing to give anything up for money, it seems~" 

She took a deep breath before humming. "He seems like the type to only be loyal if there's something in it for him, so I guess I'm not surprised." she muttered, thinking back to her first meeting with him outside of Hakkai's house. "So the four of you are going to attempt to...I don't know...stop Hakkai from killing his brother?" 

Tetta crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back slightly. "That's what we discussed with the others." 

Misaki couldn't help but squint her eyes at him, suspicious of him having ulterior motives (as usual). 

"Why?" She suddenly asked.

"Why what?" 

"Why help them?" 

Tetta opened his mouth, but she interrupted him. "...and don't give me some bullshit answer like 'I just want to help a teammate' because we all know that isn't true." She then peered over at Hanma, who seemed to be suppressing a grin. 

Tetta sighed, running his hand through his hair. "It's like I said before...I have my own reasons and they happen to line up with both Takemichi's and Chifuyu's. Even if we don't get along, we both want the same thing; to crush the Black Dragons." 

She leaned back in the computer chair, eyeing him momentarily. Then, a huff escaped her lips. "I can tell rather easily when someone is lying...and I can tell you aren't...at least, about the fact that you have your own reasons. I'm not sure if they align up with theirs, though." 

She then paused, head tilted in thought. "Did they agree to help?" 

Tetta nodded. "Only until Christmas is over." 

His eyes then glazed over momentarily, before he asked, "Have you spoken to Mikey?" 

She bit her tongue and averted her eyes to his bookshelf in an attempt to distract herself from his question. 

"I guess if you aren't answering, it means you haven't said anything to him." He stated. She could feel his eyes on her and she sighed, focusing her attention back on him.

"No...I haven't said anything, because, frankly, there hasn't been a good time to do so. Bloody Halloween caused a lot of chaos and Baji is still in the hospital..." she paused, clenching her hands into fists. "He's been different." 

Tetta hummed in acknowledgment and nodded. "He has indeed been different. Weaker, almost." 

A second after those words left his lips, Misaki sent him a harsh glare. "You'd probably feel different too if the people you cared about were on the verge of death. He may be different but Manjiro isn't weak, so don't ever assume otherwise." She then rolled her eyes, and scoffed, "...as if you have anyone you give a shit about. As smart as you are, you have a one-tract mind. Everyone is disposable." 

Hanma snickered at her rant. "Wow, she really got you down to a T, huh, boss?" 

Tetta sent him a nasty glare before turning his attention back to her. "Not everyone is disposable." 

Now and Then: A Second Chance (Various! Tokyo Revengers Characters X OC)Where stories live. Discover now