Headless Angel

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A/N: We hit 2k reads???? WILD. THANK YOU SO MUCH! I started writing this just as something to help push myself to write more, and I've really enjoyed it. I hope you enjoy this chapter and thank you so much for reading/voting! To celebrate 2K reads, I'll be double posting back to back, so watch out for another chapter after this!

The next day...

Misaki's P.O.V.

Misaki yawned and stretched, thankful that the school day was finally finished. She was out later than expected last night after the third-division nomination ceremony and it exhausted her. Leaning her head on her hand, she thought back to what Mikey told Takemichi.

He wants him to get Baji back...she thought, tapping at her temple. 

...and Takemichi is now a part of Mitsuya's division. That's a good thing since he'll be around more.

Something seemed off, though. Misaki couldn't quite put her finger on it, but Mikey had been acting off for some time now. Why didn't he ask her to help bring Baji back? They were pretty close, especially the last couple weeks. Why was he making rash decisions?

She sighed and leaned her head back, staring at the ceiling. She then thought back to the request Takemichi made in response to Mikey's.

If he can bring Baji back, he wants Tetta kicked out of Toman...

She drummed her fingers on her desk.

Mikey agreed...because regardless, he already knows he's dangerous, even if he's beneficial to have in Toman right now.

She then felt her brow twitch. "I still can't believe he managed to keep that from me..." Misaki muttered to herself, speaking of Tetta. She hadn't seen him at school today but she definitely planned on confronting him about it. 

Why would he even want to be a part of Toman?  

She wondered to herself, before inwardly groaning. 

What's more, is that I wasn't able to talk to Takemichi about his latest time-leap with Mikey being there with us last night. We need to talk before this fight with Valhalla...

She planted her head on her desk and sighed. 

There's too much to do and too little time to do it. I wonder if I can just leave school. I already know all this shit and it's a waste of time...

As she sat there having her inner monologue, she heard voices outside of the classroom, immediately recognizing Takemichi's. 

Her curiosity got the best of her and she stood up from her desk, walking towards the classroom door. She looked to the right to see him walking with two guys in crutches and another boy with messy dark hair styled in a wolf-cut paired with blonde streaks. 

Her sixth sense starting to go off and she tilted her head. "He seems...familiar." She murmured out loud. The long haired boy turned to laugh at something Takemichi said and that's when she saw it. 

A tiger tattoo on his neck. A beauty mark under his right eye. 

Misaki's eyes widened and she felt her stomach drop, her fists clenching of their own accord. 

"It couldn't be...Kazutora?" She muttered. 

Why is Takemichi with him?  Why is he even here? Did he just get out or something?

She bit her lip, feeling the anxiety beginning to pile up from her stomach to her chest.

Is...is this why Mikey has been acting off? Did he know that Kazutora was released? 

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