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Misaki's P.O.V.

"Finally..." Misaki murmured under her breath, shutting her door behind her. She had finally made it back home. 

"Today was a shit fest, honestly." She said to herself, unbuttoning her shirt and dropping her skirt. She went over to her dresser and rummaged around, in an attempt to find a baggy t-shirt.  

Eying an old band shirt she stole from her brother, she nodded. "This'll do..." 

She pulled the shirt on and it stopped at her mid-thigh. She opted to skip pants tonight since her brother wasn't going to be home, and since she was on her period, she just wanted to be comfortable. 

She face-planted onto her bed and sighed happily into her pillow. "Like laying on a cloud..." 

Misaki laid there for a moment, just relaxing, only to be interrupted by her stomach growling loudly. She groaned in annoyance and stood up from the bed.

"I guess I haven't ate since lunch..."

She shrugged and left her room, walking downstairs to the eerily quiet house she was used to. Rummaging through the fridge, she found some leftover cold soba and grinned. "Akira will whine about it...but I'm definitely finishing this off." As she grabbed some chopsticks and was about to dig in, a DING was heard, indicating the doorbell had rung. An irk mark appeared on her forehead in annoyance.

"What the hell?" She muttered, dropping her chopsticks and walking over the the door. The doorbell was rang again and her eyebrow twitched in annoyance once more. "Hold your horses, I'm coming!" She shouted, before finally making it to the door. Cracking it open revealed a familiar bronze-eyed ex-captain of Toman. 

"What do you want, Baji?" She asked, sending him a glare. He was dressed casually, seemingly opting to not wear his Valhalla uniform

Probably because he knew I'd deck'em.

He opened and shut his mouth a couple times, seemingly unsure of what to say. 

"I'm going to shut the door." She then responded, eyebrow raised. She was NOT in the mood of feeling like wasting her time.  Besides, that soba was waiting for her...

"Wait! I'm sorry...I'm just..." He rubbed at the back of his neck and looked down.

"Can I come in?" He asked softly. She stared at him, pondering for a moment. Then, eyes squinted at him, she sighed. 

"Fine, but you better make it quick and you better have a good reason for showing up to my doorstep after the shit you pulled." She announced, opening the door more and stepping aside so he could come in. 

Once she did, he stared at her for a moment, a light pink dust forming on his cheeks after he stared at her bare legs a little too long.

"What're wearing?" He hurriedly asked averting his eyes elsewhere and walking inside. She rolled her eyes and shut the door behind him.

"Last I checked, it's my home, so whatever I want. Besides, I wasn't expecting guests." She muttered, leaving him in the entryway to go back to her cold soba. 

She began to start shoveling the soba into her mouth, and in between bites, said, "Fair warning - I'm more pissed off than usual so be mindful of what you say. I'll give you until I'm done with my soba." 

He nodded and walked over before asking, "Did he hurt you?" 

Misaki swallowed some food and shot him a questioning look. "Who?" 


She hummed and stirred the soba around in the bowl. "No, he didn't. He actually wanted to make sure I got out without getting hurt, for whatever reason. But surely, that's not why you're here?" 

Now and Then: A Second Chance (Various! Tokyo Revengers Characters X OC)Where stories live. Discover now