Special Chapter 2

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Returning home, Jungkook and Taehyung had cried in the car. Hoseok had his face against the window, hiding his tears. Namjoon was more than guilty, he was thinking of resigning from his post. Yoongi had no expression on his face and Jin was calm, he was grateful to Jimin for bringing all of them back together.

When they reached home, they saw a shadow lurking around. Namjoon was on edge and wanted to pull out his gun when Jin prevented him from doing so. The shadow of the man seemed flustered and he spoke.

"I'm Park Jinwoo" he stepped closer, the resemblance was uncanny. His features reminded them of Jimin, even the ones who hadn't heard of Jinwoo yet could tell that he was related to Jimin. Jinwoo was younger than all of them and he smiled at them, everyone immediately relaxed.

Taehyung was the first one to approach him, he smiled back and took him inside. Though Yoongi had his doubts he didn't say anything and decided to remain quiet.

"How are you?" Jin asked, he was sitting across him from the table. They had ordered takeout and invited Jinwoo to join them. Jinwoo had politely agreed.

"I'm doing good Jin Hyung, it's a pleasure to finally meet you" Jinwoo spoke politely. No one found it strange that he knew their names before they even introduced themselves.

"You seem to have a slight limp in one of your legs" Jin was very curious and so was everyone else but they didn't want to be disrespectful to him.

"Ohh yes hyung it's not much, I am getting treated at a good hospital, I will fully recover in a matter of three months."

Seeing how cheerful Jinwoo was they doubted if he had heard the news about his brother yet, no one dared to talk about it.

"Yoongi hyung" Jinwoo suddenly spoke, Yoongi didn't respond and just looked at him. Everyone was on edge, they didn't want yoongi to say something in anger and hurt the innocent boy. Jinwoo continued under their nervous gazes, "I am in the same class as your younger brother, he is younger than me but he's very smart, he always helps me out in class and with my studies. I am very thankful to him"

Yoongi seemed to relax after hearing this, Jinwoo really knew how to talk to people. Everyone else sighed in relief. Just like Jimin had said Jinwoo was a smart boy and didn't need anyone constantly taking care of him.

Just as they had finished their meals and the atmosphere had calmed down, Jinwoo pulled out a file from his bag and placed it on the table.

"I know Jimin hyung is...." Jinwoo choked on his words but quickly pulled himself together and continued, "He really loves and respects each one of you, even Namjoon hyung. He might act like he is mad at you but he doesn't blame you for what happened that day, he said he forgave you a long time ago." Namjoon froze, he didn't expect to hear this, it felt like a huge weight had been lifted off his chest and he broke into tears. Maybe it was the pent up guilt that was gnawing at him all this time and subconsciously he had wanted Jimin to forgive him.

Jinwoo smiled and continued, "And Hoseok hyung I know you are mad at him and you have all the rights to be. Jimin hyung talks about you all the time, calls you the 'sensible one' who took care of the three younger brothers." Hobi sniffled upon hearing this and thinking back to all the time they spent together. Was he really mad at him? No, he felt betrayed by Jimin and at that moment it felt like the rug had been pulled from under his feet.

"He is thankful to all of you and I know you don't hate Jimin hyung, not really." Jinwoo instinctively looked at Yoongi and gave him a sad smile, "but I wish you'd give him one last chance. I'm not asking for much and no Jimin hyung doesn't know I'm here, he didn't ask me to come to meet you guys. I'm doing this on my own"

Jinwoo tapped on the file which was neatly placed on the table, "this has all the information you need to know" he pushed it towards Namjoon, "keep it safe"


After Jinwoo left, all six of them sat down with the file in front of them. No one dared to touch it. What if it's something they didn't wanna know? Maybe they were better off living in the dark. But being humans, curiosity gets to us, the more you avoid it the more curious you get.

Jungkook was the first one to give in to his curiosity and open the file. No one complained, they all just looked at him and tried to read his expression. Junkook's eyes widened as he passed over the file to Jin who was sitting beside him.

Jin took a deep breath and placed the file in the middle for everyone to see. It contained gruesome images including a lot of private details about people, the victims. To be accurate, Jimin's victims. Each one of them took one sheet to themselves and started reading it. The more they read it the more darker their complexion grew.

"This motherf*cker deserved to die." Jungkook slammed the sheets onto the table startling everyone, "Haha and here I was calling Jimin hyung a murderer."

Taehyung joined in, "No! no, you are right! This monster deserved a worse death. Who would've thought that this beautiful yet bald woman could be a pedophile?? Disgusting! Makes my skin crawl" and saying he ran to the bathroom, feeling sick to his stomach.

After discussing this matter for more than 2 hours they found out that each of Jimin's "victims" had it coming. These people had been related to gruesome crimes, some which cannot be named. Though no one wanted to say it but they all agreed that what jimin did was right. Not morally right of course, but who cares if someone takes the law in their hands and decides to kill a few assholes?

Namjoon smiled and everyone looked at each other, feeling more relaxed and at ease. Now, they could finally understand Jimin. He did what he had to, to find his father and to save his brother. But it was still not acceptable. He had to pay for his crimes. But he didn't deserve to die.


7 days later

"It has been a wild ride, people are impatient and in anticipation of the verdict for Park Jimin who was destined to die at the hands of law a week ago. It is a known fact that Park Jimin has killed and confessed to the murders of multiple people but what really called for his second verdict is still a mystery......" the reporter takes a deep breath and pays attention to the sound in the transmitter, her eyes go wide as a smile grows on her face, "The verdict is out! Park jimin has been sentenced to prison for 30 long years and has been taken off the death row. He will live!"

The shouts of hundreds of people can be heard outside the court, rejoicing and celebrating Park jimin. This is indeed something which no one had seen before. Maybe they believed he was innocent, some probably knew the victims and knew that they deserved it and the others? No one knows.

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