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The four of them start cleaning Jimin's messy room which isn't any lesser than a dogs lair, one cannot walk in his room without stepping on a piece of cloth. Clothes all around, no one knows which one is clean and which one isn't, does he even wash his clothes?

"Jimin you should keep your room clean just like your body" Hobi speaks just to break the very awkward atmosphere, "you know I clean my room every freakin day, like every don't even know"

Jimin doesn't say anything and is lost in thought, specifically about the message which Taehyung sent him almost an hour ago.

Jimin thinks; he definitely didn't mean my room when he said I forgot to clean and it was strange when he asked me what "illegal" business I was doing...something is definitely wrong, did they find out?

"Jimin hyung" Jungkook calls for him, but Jimin seems to be deaf for the moment, "JIMIN HYUNG!!" he calls out even louder.

Jimin shakes himself out of his thoughts and blinks twice, then looks at Jungkook and says, "oh sorry Jungkook I didn't hear you..what is it?"

"We are cleaning the room, but you've been standing still for a long time now" Jungkook shrugs his shoulders and frowns, "is there something bothering you?"

"Umm No, Jungkook there is...nothing" saying this Jimin flashes a fake smile at them, drops the pants he was holding and walks out of the room.

The three of them look at each other in confusion, Taehyung nods his head at them, as though signalling them to stay here, "I'll go"

"Be careful" mouths Jungkook.

"Wait Tae" whispers Hobi, and walks towards Tae, Jungkook too walks closer, "we have to act normal in front of him, like we were before, we don't know the entire truth so it is better to stay quiet for the moment, I think he already knows something's up" Hobi smacks Taehyung's head, "because of your fuckin message"

Jungkook nods in agreement, "and why are you two so quiet in front of him??and Taehyung who is the loudest creature on earth isn't even opening his mouth in front of Jimin that's not absurd" he narrows his eyes at Taehyung who starts sweating and gulps.

"I'm terrified of him" says Hobi In a low voice, "we've been together for so many years now and all the time we were with a serial killer... I can't believe this" Hobi lowers his gaze.

"Maybe this is the reason..." Jungkook stops for a while and then continues, "Namjoon, Jin and Yoongi hyung-

Just then a voice enters the room, "They what?"

Jungkook is petrified and doesn't say a word, he slowly turns to face jimin who is standing at the door with an expressionless face.

"They are fuckin traitors and we should never talk t-to them again" Taehyung blurts out rapidly with cold sweat all over his forehead.

Taehyung is sure afraid of Jimin, atleast after he found out the abominable truth and also his life is very dear to him...what if Jimin slits open his throat and throws him in the river? That would be terrifying and he definitely doesn't want that, he is still not married and his dream of having three kids is impending.

Taehyung laughs pretentiously, "were you here the entire time?" he swings his arm around Jimin's shoulder and pulls him inside the room.

"were you eavesdropping?" Jungkook asks out of nowhere, Hobi signals him to shut his mouth but the measures already been done.

Jimin looks at the three of them with a weird expression and and says with furrowed eyebrows, "Y'all are acting weird today...did something happen? And no Jungkook, I just got here"

Hobi laughs out loud, "we were just messing with you bro" he slaps Jimin on the shoulder, "everything is fine as wine"
Taehyung and Jungkook nod in agreement.

Jimin shrugs his shoulder and walks into the bathroom, slamming the door behind him.

"WHAT THE FAAAAKKKK" Hobi whisper screams and slaps Tae and Jungkook with each of his hands, "CAN YOU KEEP YOUR FUCKIN MOUTHS SHUT!! we don't want to get killed by a serial killer so young, do we?"

The two shake their heads like twins, Jungkook says, "I'm glad Jimin hyung didn't hear anything" he sighs of relief.

"Yes thank the mighty lord he didn't otherwise he would be hanging our heads as decoration in the basement room" Hobi laughs with terror.

Jimin is inside the bathroom and the walls in his house are soundproof, with the three of them whispering there is no way Jimin can hear them.

Jimin looks into the mirror with an intense gaze, just like any psychopath, one could easily tell that this man isn't normal, his hands are fisted and he is furious.

After intently staring at the mirror for a few minutes his mouth turns into an eerie smirk.

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