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Jimin's phone rings, louder than usual, but Jimin doesn't pick it up immediately. He is still inside the bathroom and he is just standing before the mirror looking at himself, this is not self obsession though it may look like, but it's just pure psychopathy.

"Hyung that's Jimin hyung's phone" Jungkook whispers with his hand on the right side of his mouth, looking at Hobi and Tae, and pointing towards the bathroom he says, "this is our chance to get clues"

The three of them nod and move closer to the bathroom with muffled footsteps, and place their ears on the far end of the white wall.
Though the walls are soundproof, when one stands with their ears against the wall, they can hear the slightest of sounds from inside.

"...sorry Boss" Jimin's shaky voice is heard from inside, "This w-won't happen again, I promise. I've been facing some problems lately at home, and I'm afraid my friends might have found out about my real identity....this is all my mistake, I'm so sorry. Please let me off this one time, and I'll make sure I won't repeat my mistake. Just p-please don't hurt my friends. Yes, Thank you, have a good day"
Jimin hangs up the phone and slides it into his pocket.

"He is coming" whispers Taehyung in panic, and immediately all of them disperse and hold some random clothes in their hands, pretending they haven't heard a single thing.

Just then the bathroom door clicks open and Jimin steps outside, his face looks gloomy and his eyes are fixed on the floor, he sighs and leaves the room.

The three friends are left bewildered, they look at each other and no one speaks for a long time.

"W-what do you think about this?" Hobi breaks the silence but not before locking the door.

"He is clearly working for someone else and is being forced to do this" Jungkook speaks with furrowed eyebrows, "he is doing this against his will... I knew it"

"He said he doesn't want us to get hurt" Taehyung joins in, "someone is using him for their crimes, we can't be sure if Jimin is the one who has murdered all those people or maybe he did but only to keep us safe"

"H-he is still a murderer" Hobi mutters under his breath.

"What do we do now?"


At the office

"What's going on? Why were you in such a hurry before?" Park Jihoon bangs the work table standing up from his chair and walks towards Jimin who has worry drawn over his face, "Do you not hear me?!"

"Weird" Jimin speaks with his hand on his chin, "they are acting very weird, did they find out?"

"Is that something you should even be worried about? We have more important matters to handle Jimin"

"I just don't want them to get in my way" Jimin stands up from his chair and fixes his suit, "any information about Anastasia?"

Jihoon nods his head, "I wanted to discuss about the matter before but you ran like your house was on fire....."

Jimin has a straight face, "Boss"

"Yeah right" Jihoon gets behind his table and pulls out a brown file from the drawer, "here take a look at this" he throws the file at Jimin.

"Ouch" It lands on Jimin's face, gritting his teeth he mutters under his breath, "I hope he reincarnates into a fuckin toilet"

"What was that?"

"The file smells nice" Jimin sniffs the file eyeing Jihoon.

He is fuckin weird; thinks Jihoon

The file contains a few blurry pictures and a few papers with the time, date and place of the pictures taken.

Jimin places the file on the table and takes one decent looking picture in his hand, "so this girl is supposed to be Anastasia?"

"Yes, and my sources reported that her features resembled Anastasia, plus she was with a tall man wearing a black hat as you can see in the pictures"

"It can be just any man and woman" Jimin takes a closer look at the pictures, "Junghwa market, this place sounds familiar"

"My information can never go wrong, I have a feeling, that is definitely Anastasia...we shouldn't waste time" Jihoon looks determined and carries his words with confidence.

"Yes yes your feelings, very reliable" Jimin places that one picture inside his suit and says, "let's leave"


Back at Jimin's home

"Should we talk to someone about this?" Hobi devises, "someone who is well versed with crimes"

"Whom are you talking about?" Jungkook asks chewing a green banana.

"Jungkook why the fuq are you eating that? It's not yet ripe" Taehyung facepalms, Jungkook pretends not to hear and continues chewing on it, "can we please ignore him Hobi hyung? Are you perhaps talking about that person?"

"Yes we have to take his help"

"Am I invisible to you?!" Jungkook jumps onto the couch with a mouthful of unripe banana, "Do you think he'd be ready to help us? Forget it"

"Shut up" Hobi grabs his phone, "let's give it a try at least, I-I'm sure he'd understand"

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