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"HELP!! HELP ME!!!" Naeun starts screaming, "HELP!!"

"Shut your fucking mouth!! For all those sins you've committed pray to god that he forgive you" Jimin places the scissors close to Naeun's face, "lets meet in hell"

Naeun's face loses all its colour, she can see death calling her.

"P..please whatever-your name-is don't kill me, and you don't want to go to jail, do you? It's not a good place to be in, trust me"

"Just stop talking!! Your voice makes me want to stab a knife right down your fuckin throat!!"
Naeun trembles with fear.
"Well I don't have a knife but I do have this"

The scissors are just a few inches away from Naeun's face when the door abruptly opens.

Jimin's hand freezes in midair, he stares at the person behind the door. It's been so many years and nothing has changed, the same handsome face, hair swept back and a tall charming figure.

"Jimin put the weapon down" says the man standing firm at the door.

"Oh this?" Jimin immediately throws away the scissors and grabs Naeun's hand pulling her to his side, "we were just... role playing"

Naeun still looks terrified, tears filling her eyes. Jimin glares at Naeun, tightening his hold on her hand.

"Y-Yes Officer we were j-just having fun" Naeun manages to speak.

Officer?? I can't keep her here.

"Naeun, baby, you go home first, I'll meet you tomorrow" Jimin gives her a hug, before letting go he whispers in her ear, "my friend extended your life span, now go away and never show me your face"

Jimin smiles at her and Naeun hastily walks out of the room, leaving the two men alone.

"It's been a long time Jimin"

"Yes, Namjoon hyung or should I call you Officer Namjoon"

"Jungkook stop being a coward and go in there"
Hobi screams into the mic which is connected to Jungkook's earpiece.

"I am trying!!! There are so many people here, give me some more time" Jungkook protests.

"SOME MORE TIME??? ITS BEEN ONE WHOLE HOUR!!!!" Hobi slams the table with anger.

"Calm down Hoseok, he is still young" Yoongi places his hand on Hobi's shoulder.

Hobi glares at him and pushes his arm away.

What's going on between them?? Taehyung can't help but wonder.

"I'm here" Jungkook announces, everyone turn towards the blue screen and see a familiar looking alley.
At first it looks pretty normal, quiet and clean, no sign of something out of ordinary.

"Good! now look around the place, and make sure your chain is in the right direction, we need to see everything"
Yoongi directs Jungkook calmly, Jungkook follows his orders and searches the place thoroughly, even a small clue would be a great discovery to them.

"There is nothing out of the ordinary here, why does Jimin hyung have a picture of this old alley??" Jungkook is confused and disgusted, confused as to what he is doing in this place and disgusted by the odour of the garbage can.

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