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Namjoon doesn't say anything, he sits there frozen, expressionless and waits for Jimin to sit down.

"I asked you something hyung" Jimin stares at Namjoon, his eyes determined and seeking an answer.

"I don't know what you are talking about" Namjoon keeps his calm demeanour, a lot goes through his mind but he doesn't show any of it on his face.

"Doesn't the name Anastasia ring a bell??" Jimin leans in closer.

Namjoon shakes his head.

Jimin laughs getting up from his chair and walks around Namjoon, "It reminds me of the time when you ran away in high school with a girl from our class, we were looking for you everywhere, your parents were so worried for you, especially your father, he even lost his job because of you and after a few days you came back like nothing ever happened, and when asked where you were all these days you acted like you didn't know what we all were talking about"

Namjoon holds in his anger while gritting his teeth and asks, "why are you bringing that up now??" He stands up, pushing away his chair, "and I thought you didn't remember anything from your past?"

"what I remember and what I don't is not important" Jimin grabs Namjoon's collar, "Tell me where you are hiding that bitch"

Namjoon slaps Jimin right across the face, making his lip bleed. Jimin stumbles back holding his cheek, he doesn't say anything, he wipes off the blood and scoffs, "Why did you slap me?Because I called her a bitch? Why do you even care? WHO IS SHE TO YOU?" He pushes Namjoon back, "TELL ME!!"

"Stay away from Anastasia" Namjoon declares in a low tone.

"why do you have to interfere?" Jimin steps closer to Namjoon, "I don't want you to get hurt"

Namjoon smacks Jimin's shoulder, clearly agitated, "Don't tell me what to do, just stay away from her and we both can go our ways"

Jimin takes a deep breath, "If you weren't my friend, I would be looking at your dead body by now"

Before Namjoon can say something, Jimin's phone rings in his pocket.

"Excuse Me" Jimin turns around and takes the call.

"Sir we've found the lady"

"Bring her to our base, and make sure she can't get away"

"Yes Sir! We are on our way"

"Is she making a lot of noise?"

"She was, but now she seems to be fine with us kidnapping her"


*Beep* *Beep*

Jimin slides his phone into his pocket and turns around to see a gun pointed at him, the person holding the gun is his own friend Namjoon.

Jimin freezes in his place, worry evident on his face, "Hyung calm down! What are you doing??!!"

"RELEASE HER!!" Namjoon screams, grabbing everyone's attention at the club, people run in all directions, screaming, scared for their lives.

"JUST LET HER GO HYUNG!" Jimin raises his hands, "Lets not hurt each other" he slowly makes his way towards Namjoon, "Calm down and throw the gun away"

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