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At the city hospital (Seoul)~

I was so intrigued in the environment that I wanted to get up from that bed and walk to the window so that I can get a better view of the sky and people.

As I tried getting up from the bed by contracting my legs, I felt a striking pain in my abdomen. I screamed in pain, which resulted in the doctor rushing into my room.

"Why what's wrong? Does it hurt?" He rushed into the room. "Don't get up yet, you need rest, you aren't alright!"

"But doctor I have something to ask" I looked at him, he nodded, "what is wrong with me? Why am I in the hospital? I tried asking you before but you ignored my questions. Could you answer these questions of mine now? Do I not deserve to know why I am here?" I curiously blinked at him waiting for him to answer.

"Things are still unclear, we too are unaware of what happened that night" he looked at me in the eyes, "and I don't want you to take stress by thinking about it. Now what's important is taking rest" he gave me a smile and turned his back on me, "and also be careful of people, you may not know the true self of the person" he had a rather serious look on his face, "especially the people whom you are close to". He left me in a state of confusion. What is that supposed to mean?

Just when I was lost in my thoughts trying to understand what the doctor had meant I heard a knock on the door. "Come in" I said. My nurse came in, "Mam there is someone here to meet you." She said. "Yes sure" I said while adjusting my position on the bed.

A tall, fair complexioned man with almost perfect features entered the room making me all flustered. "wow" escaped my mouth making him look at me. He looked familiar but I couldn't remember. Before I or he could say anything, another man entered the room breaking the silence, "Hello Ms.Anastasia. How are you feeling now?" My heart started beating faster. His words and his aura seemed all too familiar.

"I'm sorry but I have lost a part of my memories and don't know you too well. Who are you? And how do you know me?" I asked in the sweetest tone possible.

He walked towards me and sat down on the chair before my bed. "You may not remember me but I know you too well. You were working in my company after all. I'm Jihoon. Your boss. Don't worry. You will remember me soon enough."

So that's the reason his voice and his face seemed too familiar. But I don't understand why I had a strange feeling about him.

"Hello, my name is Park Jimin." The other man walked up to me and shook my hand. "We worked In the same department in the office." He gave me a refreshing smile. I smiled back at him.

"We have to leave now. Jimin, let's go" Mr.Jihoon got up from the chair and signalled Jimin to follow him. "Take care Ms.Anastasia" Jimin said while leaving. He's cute.

I hope I was good to him.

Outside the city hospital:
Jimin's PoV :
"Weren't you being a little too nice to her Boss?" I asked Mr.Jihoon aka the old hag.
He just gave me a look and walked away. "What is with him?"

"Anyways I gotta go. I've some work to do" I told him.
He gave me the same old confused look. "What work beside this do you have? Don't lie to me" He said in a stern tone.

"I've lots of work. More than you can imagine. Drop me off by the station" I looked at him. "Bye Boss. Have a bad day at work"


"I've one more thing to do"  jimin said as he removed the knife from his leather bag and placed it inside his black coat and walked away.

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