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The entire sink was covered in blood.

The three best friends with wide eyes stood frozen.

"H-hyung it's n-not blood" Jungkook speaks breaking the silence.

He goes towards the blood covered sink, one step then another. Moving his shaking hand to touch the liquid covering the sink.

"DONT!!" screams Taehyung.

"F*CK YOU STARTLED ME" Jungkook holds his chest, "it's just t-tomato ketchup. Jimin hyung must-

"Taste it" Hobi says, without moving a muscle, a serious look on his face.

Jungkook looks at him in disbelief, and says with knotted eyebrows, "t-taste it??! YOU WANT ME TO TASTE IT AND DIE?? YOU WANT ME TO TASTE IT??! WHAT IF THIS PERSON HAD A DEATHLY DISEASE?? YOU WANT TO KILL MEEEE" He screams

"You said it was ketchup you dumbass"


Hobi let's out a long sigh. A pretty long sigh accompanied by an eye roll.

"Taehyung you go check-

Taehyung had already left the room without making any sound. He thought that was the only way to save himself.

"Hyung" Jungkook says walking over to Hobi who now seems paler, "it is blood"

"I KNOW JUNGKOOK!!" Hobi speaks trying his best not to seem nervous in front of his dongsaeng, "But whose blood is it and why is there so much blood? It can't be jimin's, can it?"

Jungkook places his right hand over his chin and squinting his eyes he pretends to be thinking hard, but actually his mind was blank.

"Jimin hyung looked fine this morning when he left" he says after lots of pretending and a slap from Hobi.

"Couldn't you say that sooner?"

"Hyuuuuunnnngggg" Jungkook whines, pouting.

"STOP DOING THAT EWWWWW" Hobi pushes Jungkook's face away from his left hand and makes a disgusted face.

"Jokes apart" Hobi rubs his finger on the blood, "let's search the room"

"THE ROOM??! Why?" Confused than ever Jungkook follows Hobi who walks into the messy room.

"What if it's a murder?" Says Hobi in a serious tone.

"HA! HA! HA! It can't be"


"We all were here last night and no one could've broken in without waking up at least one of us. It's impossible hyung"

"Are you sure? Our drunk asses wouldn't wake up even if the entire house fell down..."

"Uh- Let's check his room"

Both Jungkook and Hobi start looking for something which would help them with the reason why there was blood in jimin's bathroom.

Hobi had a hard time on the bed with all those dirty clothes lying on it, with all those garments yet his hands could only grab underwears. He thought it was strange but he continued searching through the heap.

"I can't find anything here. Jungkook?" Hobi looks around but he can't see Jungkook anywhere.

"Jungkook?! Where are you?"

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