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Hobi finds Namjoon on the rooftop, who is looking at the vast night sky.

"Namjoon" Hobi asks, "are you alright?"
Namjoon looks at him and turns away, wiping his tears.

Namjoon shakes his head, crouching further, "I am not... I-I killed an innocent man" he sobs, "how can I be alright knowing that I murdered someone. Even though I'm in the police department, I've never killed anyone"

"I understand" Hobi pats Namjoon.

"You can? Did you kill someone WITH YOUR OWN HANDS?? NO!! BUT I DID, A FEW MINUTES AGO" he fumes in anger and guilt, "it's over, I'm finished"

"It wasn't your fault! Nothing is over" Hobi turns to Namjoon, "it was a terrible mistake you did back there, but it wasn't completely your fault, you never meant to kill Sunwoo"

"YES" he clenches his teeth, "but I wanted to kill Jimin, my very own friend, who is
family to me!! He trusted me, and I pointed a gun at him... if it wasn't for that guy, Jimin would've been in his place. Dead.  I should  be arrested this very moment, I'll just leave the rest in the hands of the law"

"Namjoon, listen to me," Hobi says, "we all are so close to finding the truth. We can't give up! I know everything about Jimin"

Namjoon exhales, "you do? Then you must know why I took that step back there"

"Yes I know"

"He is going to kill Choi Ara" Namjoon sighs.

Hobi looks at him, confused, "Choi Ara? That girl from high school?"

"Yes. But you said you knew?? It was all my fault too, I said I'd help her find a job and without knowing I got her recruited in Jimin's company. Now she'll die because of me"

"Wait" Hobi pauses for thought, "We are talking about two different things here"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm sure you know about all those murders in Seoul, and about the person behind these murders suspected to be the same man"

"Yes. And what about it?" Namjoon grows curious, for the fact that the police have been in search of this mysterious man for god knows how long now, and they haven't found a single clue.

"We are pretty sure that man is Jimin" Hobi sighs.

Namjoon stares at Hobi for a while and then laughs, "yeah I get it, you are funny"

"Namjoon do I look like I'm joking?" Hobi gives him a serious glare, "that day when we were at Jimin's house, we found a room in his basement where he had all the photographs of the victims and also their bloody clothes"

Namjoon is shocked to hear such ridiculous stuff, he doesn't say anything.

"We heard him talk to his Boss. There is a high possibility that the Boss he mentioned is the one he works for... another thing I find strange is that he has never mentioned his workplace before and hates his Boss. How about we find for clues in his workplace?"

Namjoon wants to believe that Jimin is not behind all the murders, but the more he thinks about it, the more it seems like the truth. He nods and says, "I can get us inside the building without any problem"

Hobi smiles and says "Now all we need is evidence to get him behind the bars, if we don't then we will be putting innocent citizens life in danger. He needs to be stopped. And to do that we need your help. We need to get you out of here. Once we get the truth out of Jimin, you can have your way... but now, we need you, come with me before it's too late"

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