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"He isn't answering his damn phone" Yoongi smacks the steering wheel in anger. The others assume that he was talking about the doctor.

Jimin is lying half-conscious on the back seat, groaning in pain then and now. Hobi looks at him and can't help but feel bad for him. Jimin had always been a warm-hearted person who was always there for his friends. He could've definitely not faked that. One time when Taehyung had fallen into a lake and was drowning, Jimin was the only one to jump into the lake without any prior thoughts or fear. He saved Taehyung and told him never to go near the water again, now, as it should be, Taehyung has a fear of water.

Jimin had always been good in expressing emotions such as happiness, Joy, surprise and obviously disgust which he shows towards his Boss. Then, how can we deem him to be an emotionless monster who simply kills people for the joy of it?

"Hobi hyung, help me carry Jimin hyung inside" Junkook taps on Hobi's shoulder bringing him back to reality.

Hobi looks outside the window and notices that they are parked in front of a house, clean and well maintained. Not too huge or fancy, simple and nice. Where are we?

"Yoongi hyung aren't we supposed to get him to a hospital? What are we doing here?" Taehyung asks, climbing out of the car.

"Don't worry, we are in the right place. He is the only doctor that can be trusted" Yoongi smiles and walks to the porch, knocking on the door.

"Don't you think Yoongi hyung is weird? I was very disappointed in him when he said that we should lock up Jimin hyung in this condition... that's cruel!" Jungkook whispers to Hobi.

"Very weird" Hobi nods, "that's why I left him"

"HUh?" Jungkook looks at Hobi with wide open eyes, "Can you say that again? Maybe I heard wrong"

Hobi coughs and walks away.

It takes a while for the door to open. Behind it stands a tall, attractive man in his night robe, who looks nothing like a doctor. He yawns and says, "Yoongi what brings you here this late at night? I had a dream in which I owned a restaurant.... and then you woke me up"

"I'm sorry, but it's an emergency" Yoongi moves aside.
The man looks over and sees the rest of them standing, in not such a good condition.

"It's been such a long time" Hobi walks forward and gives him a tight hug.

"How have you been Jin hyung?" Taehyung too hugs him.

"It's great to see all of you here"

"Uh... I need help here" Jungkook says pointing at Jimin who's still inside the car.

"Yoongi I cant treat patients without reporting it to my facility... I mean if that's what it is about because you wouldn't come to me for anything else" Jin says with a serious tone in his voice.

"Please, we need your help... it's Jimin" Hobi pulls Jin towards the car.

"Oh my, what happened?" Jin analyses Jimin and says, "bring him inside immediately. I can treat his wound"


"I have cleaned the wound and stitched it temporarily. But if there is any extra movement or pressure on the arm, then the stitches will pull apart and the wound will be reopened... and of course, there will be lots of blood. Make sure he gets it redone afterward" Jin washes his hands and wipes them with a towel, "that's a nasty wound, it had started to fester. How did he get hurt so bad?"

Namjoon shakes his head, "I really didn't have the time to notice I guess, we were busy umm..figuring things out"

"Oh really? Did you figure everything out or is Jimin still the suspect?" Jin Asks looking at Namjoon's hands which are covered in blood.

"H-how do you know that?" Taehyung Asks, surprised.

"Of course I know. Yoongi keeps me informed about everything... especially about my friends" he smiles leaning back into his chair, "so what do you plan on doing next?"

Yoongi looks at Hobi, and then back at Jin, "I plan on locking him up and make him confess of his crimes.... and that, of course, will be with the help of officer Namjoon"

"I'm sorry?" Namjoon scoffs, "I have got enough of this bullsh*t! I'm not hurting him anymore Yoongi"

"Hurting him?? What about all those people he has killed?? All those families he has destroyed!? We need to make him confess and put him behind the bars!! If you are not up for it then I'll do it myself!" Yoongi stands up from his chair and walks outside.

"Where did he go now?" Jungkook Asks frustrated, "such a pain in the a*s"

"Jungkook" Hobi glares at him, "language!"

"What does he mean by making him confess?" Hobi asks Namjoon who looks uneasy.

"You know there are certain ways to make criminals confess. One of them is torturing them using different methods or tools" Namjoon starts to sweat. He knows how painful it can be, he has witnessed people dying of the agony.

Jungkook gulps and says, "I'm leaving"

"Shut Up Jungkook"

"Let's go find some evidence," Hobi says, "I can't let Yoongi hurt Jimin and the only way to stop that from happening, is finding evidence"

The others nod in agreement. Jin says, "I'll help too"

They head outside and find Yoongi sitting inside the car, "let's go" he says, "I thought y'all would never come out"

They get inside the car and Jin makes sure to lock the door. Jimin is inside the house, in a bedroom, asleep.

"So all that you said back there was just to make us... I don't know.. find evidence??" Taehyung asks leaning forward.

Yoongi nods his head and presses the ignition button, "of course. There's no way Jimin would've confessed through torture"

"What do you mean?"

"All this time I thought Jimin got injured in a fight with Namjooon, but when Namjoon said that he has no idea.... it was pretty obvious that he harmed himself"

Jin scoffs, "nonsense! Then he must've pulled a knife down his arm!"

"Exactly" Namjoon joins in, "it all makes sense now. When I reached the room, he had a pair of scissors in his right hand which was covered in blood. He probably used them."

No one speaks. He did hurt himself to keep awake.


"I just arrived at the club and looks like this place has been evacuated. I'll go inside and take a look. Where are your men?" Jihoon pushes his phone into his pocket and walks into the club.

Nothing looks out of the ordinary except that not a single soul is inside the club. He climbs to the first floor and finds nothing. He climbs down the stairs, disheartened, and opens the door to the bar.

"Blood" he hastily walks and crouches near the large blood stains, "that's a lot of blood and it's still fresh"
He crouches further and sniffs that blood.

"Not Jimin's for sure" Jihoon looks around and sees a camera on the far right of the wall. It surely has the footage of what happened here.

He makes his way to the security room and finds the security guard tied up and unconscious. What he doesn't know is that the one responsible for this was Jimin.
He sits in front of the computer and it doesn't take him long to find the footage.

"Who is this guy?" Jihoon wonders looking at Namjoon.
"He has a gun? Wait" he zooms in on his face, "this is Jimin's friend, Namjoon"

The footage of them all leaving in a car is the last clue available.
He calls his employee.

"Find me Namjoon"

"Sir, who?"

"There is a hidden file in my computer with all of Jimin's information, it also has his friends information including their phone numbers. As of now, we can't track the others for some reason and the only one left is Namjoon. Track him and send me his location!"

"On it Sir!"


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