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"You stay the f*ck away from us" Taehyung charges forward, holding Jimin by the collar, "you aren't the Jimin I knew, my best friend, Jimin, is long gone"

"Taehyung please," Jimin says, almost in a whisper, "for the sake of old times. I need you to believe me this one time"

"Do you even know how much this hurts?! Seeing you like this-

Jimin exhales sharply, his eyes twitching, he inhales and shouts, "SHUT UP!", startling everyone, even to the point where Taehyung lets go of his collar.

"JIHOON GET YOUR ASS UP AND GUARD THE HOUSE!! We don't have enough time" Jimin unties Jihoon from the chair and Jihoon without wasting any time runs up and out of the house, grabbing a gun from his car he stands in front of the main door.

"Now you all listen to me very carefully" Jimin speaks in the most serious cold tone, "I am not the one you should be afraid of.... there is someone out there who is far more dangerous and inhuman than me. He is coming for us. All of us"

Yoongi scoffs annoyingly and says, "That's a nice story Jimin. You go tell that to the police and see if they believe you" Yoongi wears a mocking smile and looks at Jimin and shouts, "YOU ARE A MONSTER!!"

Jimin massages his temple, trying to swallow the anger, but fails to do so. His hands start shaking aggressively and he pins Yoongi to the wall with his hand against his neck, "DON'T.CALL.ME.A.MONSTER!!"

Namjoon and Jungkook pull him away from Yoongi with great effort and tie him to the chair. Jimin struggles to pull himself out of the ropes, but fails and screams angrily.

Jimin's anger subsides after a while and his breathing comes back to normal, he then says, sounding like a completely different person, "I-I'm sorry... I didn't mean to" with his eyes looking at the floor the entire time.

Yoongi rubs his neck, coughing painfully while Taehyung hands him a glass of water and helps him calm down.

"I would say you crossed your line with Suga" Hobi comes forwards and speaks with evident anger in his tone, "but owing to the fact that you haven't killed any of us yet, I have to say that I'm a little disappointed in you"

"Hyung I'd never do something-

"We get it, Susan, you won't hurt us. We completely believe you" says Jungkook with raised eyebrows.

Jimin exhales sharply and opens his mouth to speak but is interrupted by Namjoon.

"I just wanted to say that what happened back at the bar was an accident and I never meant to take that kid's life. I wanted to say sorry to you but I guess you don't even care about that poor boy and all that drama back there, the pain of losing him, was just your Oscar-worthy acting like you've been doing your whole life"

"Jimin is the kindest soul," Taehyung says imitating in a mocking high voice, "you betrayed me! All of us!"

"Taehyung please," Jimin says with a sniff, tears crowding his eyes, "I know what I am and what I have done. And I'm ready to accept more punishment than I deserve for it. I have it coming. But now you have to take the others and get out of this place. Please, you need to get out of here immediately"

Taehyung hesitates, he cannot ignore the sincerity in Jimin's eyes. He can tell for sure that Jimin isn't lying and is very serious.

"What about you?" Jungkook Asks, "is this another plan of yours to escape? Huh?"

"No Jungkook, please trust me" Jimin insists with a heavy voice, "I'll stay here in the basement, tied up, if you want"

They all wear a subtle confused expression, they can't tell if he's just messing with them or planning something worse or if he really is telling the truth and they should actually leave.

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