Poisoned Love

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"Do you by any chance know someone called Kim Namjoon?" Jimin asked out of nowhere.

Anastasia looks at Jimin, surprised, "ah..yes but how do you know him? Are you his brother?? No.. you don't look like him at all, neighbors??..."

Jimin laughs, "Calm down, he's just someone I knew in high school, we weren't that close though, you seem really familiar, and just so you know I went to Seoul high school"

Anastasia moves closer, "so that means you were in the same class as him??"

Jimin nods.

"Fate is really a thing huh?" Anastasia smiles.

"Why?" Jimin blinks, acting totally unaware.

"Don't you remember me??"

Jimin shakes his head "No", of course, I do.

Anastasia laughs, "it's funny how we both don't remember each other, were you perhaps called by some other name? Or maybe you got shifted to some other class? Because I'm pretty sure I remember all of Namjoon's friends...."

Jimin interrupts Anastasia, "don't give your brain too much work, we both are drunk and too much thinking will be distressing.. let's drop that topic for now, shall we?"

Anastasia pats Jimin's shoulder "Huh you are right, I am pretty drunk, but you" She points at him, "you are perfectly fine and handsome"

Jimin turns his head and raises his eyebrows at Anastasia.

"Oops my apologies, it's the drinks talking, don't mind me.. and also I think I can drop the honorifics now, we were in the same class after all"

"I told you so in the beginning"

"Namjoon helped me get into this company, he is a good man"

"Oh sure he did" Jimin managed to conceal his surprised expression, "tell me about it"

Anastasia leaned closer to Jimin's ear and whispered, "I haven't told this to anyone, I mean no one, but Namjoon and I fled away from home to Illsan, we were almost about to get married at such a young age but I somehow managed to throw away that idea from Namjoon's mind"

"Your secrets safe with me" Jimin grew more curious by the minute.

"We were pretty popular as a couple in school, if I were to exaggerate every single person in school worshipped us... but the thing is I was never in love with namjoon" she laughed, maybe it was a memory from the past or maybe she thought it was funny.

Jimin didn't say anything, he couldn't even smile.

"That fool still thinks I love him!! Can you believe that?! He keeps helping me and being kind to me, I mean what does he think of me? I can take care of myself and my family.. he doesn't have to take all that trouble, maybe he just wants to have sex, I should talk to him about that" she giggled, "he told me that he hasn't been with any girl since high school, I had to hold in my laughter really"

Jimin held in his anger which was about to burst out any second now, "Anastasia it was nice talking to you" he got up from his chair, "see you around"

Anastasia grabbed his hand, "You can't leave me alone"

Oh I surely can you bitch, Jimin pushed her hand and began walking away.

He heard Anastasia shout, but he didn't reply and kept walking.

Jimin stood in his place.

Jimin rushed towards Anastasia and closed her mouth, she was smiling maniacally.

"Let's go out and talk"

They both made their way towards the elevator, Jimin pulling Anastasia with him.

"You said we were going out" Anastasia spoke, her legs wobbly.

"It's too cold outside, I know a warmer place" Jimin smiled, a hint of mischief was evident in his eyes.

"Where are we? Woah ITS DARK" Anastasia sat on top of a table in the dark room, with some moonlight seeping through the windows.

"It's my office, I work here" Jimin walked behind her and stood near the window, his face shining under the moonlight.

Anastasia turned around and her eyes went wide, "ARE YOU AN ANGEL??! OH MY YOU ARE!! IM SO SORRY FOR MISBEHAVING I-I..."

"You are way more drunk than I thought" Jimin sighed with annoyance.

"No I'm not drunk! Look at me I'm perfectly fine" she jumped off the table, "I can walk in a straight line too" she did walk perfectly straight and her voice toned down to normal.

"I thought you were drunk"

"Really? One glass of wine? Even a kid wouldn't be drunk by that... I just wanted to get out of that chaos"

"You should've said so before, I would've gotten you a taxi home"

"I mean I didn't want to be alone"

Jimin smirked, which was soon accompanied by a fake laugh, "Nice Ara, you've made the right choice coming here with me"

"Haven't I? I knew you were interested in me, you know we can make this work out" 

"Yeah I am very interested" he walked closer to Anastasia, "in killing you, I-I can't resist this feeling anymore"


(Refer prologue)

"And you know the rest Namjoon, but unfortunately she somehow managed to live, but not for long"

Namjoon didn't know Anastasia felt that way about him, he always found a way to make her happy and truly loved her, but she didn't care about him at all. He was heartbroken, this pain was something he knew he wouldn't be able to get rid of even if he wanted to.

"I'm sorry Namjoon, I know you loved her but now that you know how she feels about you.. you should forget her, I know it won't be easy but you don't have to go through this alone-

"JUST SHUT UP" Namjoon screamed, "I SAID SHUT UP"

"You will end up hurting yourself Namjoon"


"You are obsessed over someone who barely gives a fuck about you!! Don't you get it??? Keep that gun inside, let's go"

"Whatever she feels about me doesn't matter.... all I know is that I LOVE HER and I won't spare anyone who hurts her, I promised her parents that I'd take care of her"

"You are fuckin sick Namjoon. I'm leaving, if you don't want me to leave then shoot me"
Saying this, Jimin turns around and starts walking with his hand in his pocket.


Jimin doesn't respond and continues walking towards the exit.

Namjoon's gun trembles in his hands, his eyes filled with tears and his finger involuntarily presses the trigger.

The sound resonates in the closed space and Jimin halts.

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