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"I am not going inside"
Jimin adamantly stands outside the huge store, wherever he looks, all he can see is clothes.

"My head is already spinning looking at all of this Sunwoo, I'll definitely go mad if I step inside! Please take me somewhere else" He says looking at Sunwoo helplessly.

"We are going inside" Sunwoo flashes a fake smile.

"Is this even necessary? It's all because of that old faggot"

"Old faggot?" Asks Sunwoo

"My boss"

With this being said Sunwoo pulls Jimin inside. With just one foot inside the store Jimin's head is already spinning. He wonders if clothes are his undiscovered fear.

"Why are you standing there? Come inside Jimin!!"

They make their way through the store to the party wear section.
Jimin tries to sneak away but Sunwoo won't let him off so easily. He won't stop until he helps find Jimin the perfect outfit.

"Sunwoo" Jimin tugs on his hand, "look I made a grave mistake when I told you that I needed clothes, but please for the sake of myself LET ME GO!! THIS IS HELL!!"

"Stop being a kid Sir... I mean Jimin" Sunwoo picks out an outfit from the shelf and hands it to Jimin, "here try this on"

"You are Joking, right?"

Sunwoo shakes his head.

"I'd rather stay naked" Jimin mumbles.



"Never mind. Now go and get changed Jimin"

"I HATE THIS FUCKIN SHOP!" Jimin screams in rage.

The customers all turn around to look at Jimin, he feigns ignorance and walks away to the changing room. They turn their heads simultaneously to look at Sunwoo, he immediately bows down and shouts, "IM SORRY"

After a while Jimin steps outside with an uncomfortable look on his face.

Sunwoo's eyes are wide open as he takes a good look at Jimin.



"Do you even know how freakin good you look in this?! It's like this outfit was made just for you!" Sunwoo exclaims

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"Do you even know how freakin good you look in this?! It's like this outfit was made just for you!" Sunwoo exclaims.

"I am not going out wearing something as hideous as this, and look at all these weird stuff embedded into the jacket.... it's not how clothes are supposed to look and-"

"Now quick remove your clothes and give them to me, I'll ask them to pack these for you" Sunwoo pretends to not have heard anything Jimin had just said.



"But I-

"We don't have time"

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