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Hobi was looking everywhere in the room for Jungkook, Fear written all over his face.

Just then he heard some muffled sounds coming from somewhere in the same room.

"J-Jungkook?" He said in a soft voice, "I-s that you?"

"hyung....down here" it was definitely Jungkook's voice.

Then he heard a knock, on the floor.

"WHAT THE F*CK??!" He screamed in fear and jumped onto the bed.

"Hobi hyung lift the carpet" the muffled voice said, "there is a room down here"


Back at the Office

"I checked all the camera footage from that night when we saw Anastasia with that tall man, but I couldn't make out his face. It was too dark" Jimin gets up from his chair, "it has to be him"

"We can't be too sure of it Jimin" Jihoon says looking worried.

"I am sure" Jimin looks at Jihoon, "No one would kidnap Anastasia, she has no money or parents and on top of that she is even injured.... it has to be someone who knew about this!!"

"I-I'm..." Mr. Jihoon nods his head slightly in agreement, "we need to find her and that man. It is dangerous for us"

Just then Jimin's phone chimes with a notification.

*message from tae*

"Who is it?" Asks the Boss, Jihoon

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"Who is it?" Asks the Boss, Jihoon.

"Tae" Jimin pauses to think and then looks at Jihoon, "he said I-I forgot to clean my room..."

"How is that even important that he-"

"I F*CKED UP" Jimin slides the phone into his pocket and rushes outside the Boss' cabin.


Jimin doesn't even bother answering.


"Taehyung why did you message Jimin??" Asks Hobi holding Tae's shoulders and shaking him, "he will be here any moment now.. ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR F*CKING MIND??!"

Hobi's voice echoes in the dark room where the only light was that of a dangling bulb emitting weak light over a wooden chair.

The three of them were under the floor, in that eerie room where all of Jimin's secrets were buried.

"H-hyung" tears rolling down his face, Jungkook says, "I don't want to believe what I am seeing here. Jimin hyung can't do something like this"

"SHUT UP JUNGKOOK!!" Tae grabs Jungkook by his collar and pulls him aggressively to the wall, "LOOK AT ALL THESE PICTURES OF DEAD PEOPLE HERE" He then pulls Jungkook to the adjacent wall, before which there is another heap of garments, but these are covered in blood, "THESE ARE THE CLOTHES THAT THOSE PEOPLE WERE WEARING....Before Jimin killed them" Taehyung loosens his grip on Jungkook's collar and rests his head on his shoulder letting out all of his tears.

"T-he serial killer which the police mentioned in the news this morning-

"It's Jimin" Jungkook completes Hobi's sentence.

Jungkook after comforting Taehyung walks over to the wall covered with around fifty pictures, "Look at this girl" he points at the right most picture on the wall, "she is the same girl who was murdered yesterday in the evening, I saw her photo in the news this morning..... with Jimin hyung" he turns to look at Hobi, teary eyed, "he joined us in the night after murdering her. The girl he mentioned was her"

"We need to get out of here"


15 minutes later (At Jimin's House)

The doorbell rings accompanied by multiple knocks.


Hobi walks over to the door and after exchanging looks with both Tae and Jungkook, he opens the door with a smile on his face.

Jimin stood there with wide eyes and out of breath. He wastes no time and hurried inside the house, "T-Taehyung what did you mean by-

"Your room Jimin" Taehyung sighs, "did you see-

Before Tae could complete Jimin runs to his room, first going to the bathroom.

"The B-Blood" he walks towards the sink, "it's all gone. I remember I had washed my bloody knife here but couldn't clean the sink in the morning...I was in such hurry. Did I clean it before leaving? I must've-

"What are you doing there Jimin hyung?" Asks Jungkook, "Look at your bed and all your clothes on it. So messy. You should clean it huh"

"Yes Jimin" Hobi walks over to  Jimin and puts his arm around his shoulder, bringing  him towards the bed, "we will help you clean your room" he smiles.

"Y-yeah. Thank you hyung"
Jimin speaks nervously, but with a hint of relief.

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