Strange man

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"Hobi Hyung you should go and get Yoongi hyung" Taehyung pouts, he has been waiting for Yoongi to return for a long time now after Yoongi had rushed outside when he was unable to get any clues, "I went and tried persuading him but he seems to be adamant on not coming back here"

"W-why should I go?" Hobi found it necessary to ask this question.

Both Taehyung and Jungkook look at Hobi with an 'isn't it obvious' look.

"Alright" Hobi walks outside,
roughly closing the door behind him.

"Do you think Yoongi hyung will come back?" Jungkook Asks Taehyung.

"Of course, we have sent our best warrior to bring him"

"Isn't the atmosphere between Hobi and Yoongi hyung somewhat strange? They both don't speak much, especially Hobi hyung, he seems to keep avoiding Yoongi hyung"

"I noticed that too" Taehyung nods in agreement, "but owing to the time we've spent apart, it might get awkward sometimes, yet whenever Yoongi hyung speaks to Hobi hyung he is very sweet"

"Perhaps there WAS something going on between them, you remember how good they were at lying?? Let's go and see what they are doing" Jungkook enthusiastically jumps out of his chair with a wide grin on his lips.

Taehyung frowns and waves his hand, "We are not going anywhere, just sit down"

"Yeah I guess it's personal, we shouldn't interfere... but I need some DRAMA" Jungkook reluctantly sinks into his chair.

Taehyung whispers, "do you think there is a chance we can get them back together?"

Jungkook gasps, "OBVIOUSLY"

Taehyung signals him to lower his extra loud voice, "I'm just trying to help two souls find love"

"I'm so proud of you" Jungkook wipes away his fake tears.

"Proud of what?" Hobi barges in and stands near the door with his arms crossed.

Jungkook breaks into a cold sweat, "it's n-nothing! Were you eavesdropping??? That's not good hyung!!"

"I wasn't, I just heard something about being proud" he shrugs and enters, "I didn't hear anything else"

Jungkook and Taehyung simultaneously sigh.

Just then Yoongi enters the room, "Jimin was near the cafe a few hours ago, with Sunwoo. I can't track his phone after that. Let's go there, we might get some information"

The three of them reach the cafe in a short time and rush inside. They look around and find no one inside, well it would be strange if anyone was sitting there that late at night. Jungkook walks inside the 'only staff allowed' door.

Sunwoo is startled by the sudden arrival of Jungkook.

"H-Hey Jungkook what's going on??" Sunwoo asks stuffing his uniform into a locker and looks at Jungkook. 

"Let us talk outside" Jungkook walks outside and Sunwoo follows suit.

Sunwoo is surprised to see them all at the cafe at this time, but gains back his calm composure and greets them "Oh all of you are here... and a new face" Sunwoo introduces himself and shakes hands with Yoongi, "I'll assume you are older than me, nice to meet you hyung"

Yoongi keeps a straight face, he is in a hurry to ask him questions, it's thrilling to him, he has always wanted to be the frontman in interrogations but the authorities never give him an opportunity. This it the chance he will seize and help his friends find Jimin.
A hint of concern flickers in his eyes on the thought of Jimin but he hides it with a  smile.

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