The Bag

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At the city hospital (Seoul)-

I opened my eyes slowly, it took me a few seconds to realise I was looking at the ceiling. My head was paining, and I didn't know where I was at the moment.

I looked around. I found myself on a bed in some room. Just then a lady dressed in a nurse's outfit entered the room.
"Oh you are awake! Finally. Do you know that you were here for 3 complete days?"

"What? Where am I? And why am I here? Where are my parents? I-"

"Calm down. You are at the hospital now and you are completely fine except that you have-
"Woah woah wait" a doctor barged into the room as he spoke, "nurse you may now leave, I will take care of her for now". The nurse glanced at me and left the room.

"Listen here child." I looked at the doctor who seemed to be speaking to me, "do you remember what happened that night?"

"Huh? Which night?" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. He shook his head in denial. "What are you talking about?"

He looked at me, "do you remember your name?", I stared at him blankly while he waited for my answer.

"Of course I remember, what kind of a question is that? Is there any person who doesn't know their name? My name is Anastasia and I'm 18 years, I live in an apartment in Seoul and I work.... I...I work somewhere! Don't I?" I couldn't remember where I work. I looked at the doctor in confusion. "Doctor why can't I remember where I work? I'm sure I work somewhere, I mean of course I worked somewhere for my daily income. But I can't remember" I pulled my hair in frustration.

The doctor got up from his seat and walked up to me, "calm down, you'll remember soon", he placed his hand on my head. "It's fine, atleast you remember your name and address... it's seems like a certain part of your memory is gone or atleast for the time being it's been erased. I am trying to help you as much as I can, but at the end only you can help yourself." He gave a smile and left the room, leaving me in a state of dilemma.

I sat on my bed, looking outside the window at the blue sky which blended itself with the cotton clouds. Birds seemed to be enjoying their time in the sky, flapping their wings and gliding through the air.


Jimin's POV -

After a 20 minute ride I reached my office, where my boss had asked me to come.
Just then I received a message from Taehyung.

Just as I read the message, beads of sweat started forming all over my forehead

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Just as I read the message, beads of sweat started forming all over my forehead. I sat in the same taxi and asked the driver to take me back to the same place.
"Fuck!!! How could I forget it there?!!? I hope he doesn't check it! God please save me this one time." I was angry
at myself.

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