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Jihoon rushed to the basement after he heard Jimin maniacally screaming.

"BOSS?! Why are you tied to the chair?!!" He was confused. He put his gun behind and untied the rope.

"I have a debt to clear" Jimin said with clenched teeth, "I will save my brother" Jihoon couldn't read his expression, it was too complicated. He didn't know if it was anger or guilt.

Jihoon was confused, he stepped back and bowed slightly, showing his loyalty. "I was guarding the house for a long time but no one came" he paused to glance at Jimin, "Boss are you alright? Your hands are shaking"

Jimin didn't say anything and continued staring at his feet.
After what felt like a day he spoke, "give me your car keys"
Jihoon just nodded and pulled out his car keys from his pocket.
Jimin stood up hastily and grabbed the car keys, walking out of the basement. Before he completely disappeared from Jihoon's sight he said in a low voice, "Don't follow me anymore. Your work is done. You are free now"

Jihoon wanted to rebuke but he held back and just nodded. Once Jimin left he muttered under his breath, "I have nowhere to go"

Just then he heard a voice, "who are you talking to?"
He lifted his head and saw Yoongi leaning on the door.

"Where is Jimin?" Asked Yoongi, sounding impatient.

"He left. You just missed him." Jihoon left after saying this, his face hanging low.

Yoongi wanted to ask where he went but looking at Jihoon's dejected expression, he understood that Jihoon didn't know either.

An hour later :

"We waited for so long Jimin. You are here. Finally."

Jimin was struggling to catch his breath but once he heard this voice his blood started to boil. His eyes shone with killing intent.

"While we were waiting, I got bored so I went and paid my respect to your mother. Your brother, however, couldn't move... he passed out" The man walked towards Jimin, the smile never leaving his lips, he said, "you remember? This is where I killed your mother"

Jimin spoke with clenched teeth, "Park Sungyeol" It seemed as though his eyes shone red for a second.

"Aha," Sungyeol exclaimed with happiness, "my son remembers my NAME!!"

"Where is he?" Jimin asked in a low voice.

"You mean your brother?" The man spoke as he sat down on the bed, "what was his name again?"

Jimin didn't reply and continued staring at the man in front of him. He was feeling disgusted and angry towards this man who was supposed to be his father. At this moment he had a thought; God was so unfair to him but then he remembered his brother, his situation was nothing compared to his brother's.

"I'm surprised you aren't trying to kill me right now and we are actually having a normal conversation" Park Sungyeol spoke in a calm tone, "though I'm the one doing all the talking. It doesn't matter anyhow I'm proud of you son"

Jimin flinched at the last sentence. He'd never thought that he'd be able to hear those words. What's worse was that it was coming from a person he hated the most.

"Don't call me son," Jimin said, "you sick bastard"

Sungyeol laughed hysterically, "Do you think you are in the position to call ME sick?!" he tilted his head as he spoke, "I know everything about you Jimin...I am your father after all. Do you think I don't know what you've been doing all this time? Haha"

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