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They all squeeze into Yoongi's car. Yoongi was against Sunwoo accompanying them because it isn't a safe place to be at. But Sunwoo convinces him by saying that he knows Jimin very well and he'd help them catch him.

I'm sorry but I can't let you get to Jimin hyung, Sunwoo exhales loudly. His senses cease to work, but it's clear whose side he is on.

Just then a question pops up in his head, "what evidence do you have against Jimin hyung?"

Yoongi doesn't say anything, for a matter of fact they don't have any evidence against him.
Hobi answers Sunwoo, "we don't have any evidence. But have you thought about our reason behind finding Jimin at this hour? It's clear. We suspect that he's up to no good, we are going to catch him red handed" a flame of determination burns in his eyes.

Aren't they all close friends?? What's going on, I don't understand how they can be so determined to get their friend executed?!
Sunwoo doesn't ask questions any further and remains silent.

"Jimin may or may not have murdered a guy this morning" Tae says while looking at Sunwoo, "we found a body in an alley, the same alley whose picture was there in Jimin's phone"

Sunwoo doesn't move a muscle, he acts oblivious to anything they are saying.

"Sunwoo I know you want to protect Jimin but this time he is wrong" Taehyung looks at Sunwoo expectantly, "if you know anything about him, please don't hide it from us. That information can save Jimin"

Save Jimin hyung?? How? Me being a witness to his murder can't possibly save him, instead I'll be responsible for his execution. It's my fault after all, he killed that guy because of me, to save me.

"Hyung I really don't know what you are talking about, I-I'm telling the truth" Sunwoo says without lifting his head.

"Then what were you doing at that alley in the morning?" Yoongi asks Sunwoo.

"W-what? Have you been tracking me?"

"No, I was just tracking Jimin and in the process I came across two phone calls made from the same location in the afternoon, one was from your smartphone and the other possibly from Jimin's, whose records are highly protected, so unfortunately I couldn't get through" Yoongi pauses and gives Sunwoo a look which means I-know-everything.

"That guy was threatening to kill me" Sunwoo begins speaking, "if not for Jimin hyung I would've been lying dead somewhere"

No one speaks, they all attentively listen to Sunwoo.

"And no, it wasn't his fault!" tears are evident in his eyes, "I asked him to help me, I was the one who called him there!!!"

"Sunwoo, I know it's hard for you but you don't have to lie to save Jimin, we already know his secret" Hobi pats Sunwoo's shoulder, "he couldn't hide it from us for long"

"S-secret? What are you talking about?" Sunwoo asks curiously.

Hobi looks at Yoongi, who in turn just nods.

"What does that nod mean?" Jungkook Asks, squeezing his head from the back seat.

Taehyung elbows him in the ribcage, "it's their personal thing, stay quiet" he whispers.
Jungkook screams with his fist in his mouth, so that there is no sound, "that f*cking hurt hyung!!!"

Hobi glares at Jungkook, immediately restricting him from making any noise, "Sunwoo, I know you won't be able to believe this, but the truth is that Jimin isn't who you think he is" he sighs.

Sunwoo wears a confused expression, "hyung I don't know what you mean"

"He is-

The car comes to a screeching halt, making everyone almost fall off their seats.

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