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A room in an apartment, Near Junghwa Market

"Fuckin bastard you should've been more careful!!" The man wearing full black, standing in one corner of the dimly lit room was fuming with anger, "it was my mistake, I shouldn't have put you out there to keep an eye.... Are you sure Jimin didn't follow you?!"

The man who was just chased frantically by Jimin, his chest was going up and down in search of air, he replied, "No sir! I was quick to flee from that market, I made sure he didn't follow me and even if he had I would've made sure to beat him up properly"

A cold laugh sounded from the other side of the phone, "you?? Who do you take Park Jimin for haha... forget it and make sure to secure the surroundings and keep informing me about any unusual activities"

Though slightly taken aback by that laugh, he still responded in a serious tone, "Yes sir! I won't disappoint you"

Beep beep beep...

"Did he find us?" Her soft voice reached his ears.

"No, but we can't stay here for much longer. It's dangerous for us, it's Jimin whom we are talking about here... he won't stay still until he finds you"

Anastasia was still kept in the dark regarding most of the matters. She didn't know why she had lost her memory and now she was hiding in a hotel with a stranger. Nothing made sense.

"C-Can I ask you something?" She asked, not sure if she would receive the answer, she added, "and please give me an answer. I am tired of people telling me to wait.... Just When? When will I know the truth? Isn't it my life we are talking about here? Do I not deserve to know what is happening with my life?! I am going crazy!!"

The man was quick to respond, "calm down Anastasia, don't think about anything now. All you need is rest and I'll make sure you get that" he walked over to her with a smile and sat down before her, he said, "I know it's tough for you, I know how you must be feeling right now but trust me all I want to do is help you, as a friend this is the least I can do for you."

Her eyebrows knitted in confusion, "friend? Do I know you? Why didn't you tell me before??!" she was immediately engulfed in rage and her body started shaking.

"THIS IS WHY!!" He shouted all of a sudden and held Anastasia's hand in his, caressing it softy he said with a softer tone, "you need to calm down first, and take some rest. Once you are completely fine then I will be the first person to tell you everything you need to know. You trust me, don't you?"

He proceeded to get up and handed Anastasia her medicine, "take this first and get some sleep, let's talk later"

"Wait!" Anastasia gulped down the medicine, "I wanted to ask you about Jimin"

He stood in his place and turned to look at Anastasia. Her gaze was determined, seeing that, he let out a sigh and sat down beside her.

"I can tell you only this much about Jimin. Stay-Away-From-Him. He may look like a nice person but trust me he's not even close to nice, I know him!"

"When I was in the Hospital, he paid me a visit once and there was a smile on his face. He looked concerned about my health and even spoke very nicely to me, I didn't see anything wrong with him. But how do you know him?"

"We were close friends, more like brothers"


12pm, At the Cafe

"Do you think he is going to come here?" Asked Jungkook looking uncertain.

"I am not sure" replied Tae looking all around the place.

"Yoongi will definitely come. As much as I know him, he is very particular about things like these and he will never agree to something unless he isn't sure of it" Hobi said with confidence, just then he heard muffled laughters in his right ear.

"Look at him! Hahahahha" Jungkook couldn't hold back his laughter anymore, "he really thinks Yoongi hyung is the same even after all these eight years"

Tae wiped away his happy tears and asked, "Hobi hyung, have you ever remembered him in these eight years?"

Hobi went silent and then shook his head.

"Oh come on" Jungkook slapped Hobi's shoulder, "don't lie to us, we know you well enough, at the very least we can easily tell when you are telling the truth and when you aren't.."

"Oh really?" Hobi sounded annoyed, "Do you have a lie detector up your ass?!"

"My lie detector says you miss him"

"Did you miss me?"

The three of them turned their heads in unison towards the voice and saw a young man with slender legs. wearing a black cap, with a chain hanging around his neck and his expensive looking jacket.

"Yoongi hyung!" Jungkook was filled with joy, "you are here!!"

Yoongi walked over to them and sat down across the table, "I am sorry for being late, I was caught up in the traffic. Mid day traffic huh"

Taehyung couldn't help but ask, "hyung it's been a long time.... how have you been all these years?"

Yoongi glanced at Hobi and seeing that he wasn't even looking at him, deep down in his heart he felt guilty.

"I've been living quite well Taehyung, you know with music up my sleeves it's a lot better" he tried to sound as happy as he could.

"Music? When did you get into music? Why haven't I heard any of your songs yet??" Jungkook widened his eyes in shock, "don't tell me!! That Sugar-D guy who produces music.... THATS YOU??!"

Yoongi let out a hearty laugh looking at Jungkook act like a little kid which he was, he waved his hand in front of his face, "yes that's me Jungkook, I've been keeping a low profile all along"

"No wonder that one song sounded so familiar!!" Jungkook immediately grabbed his phone and browsed through his song gallery.

Hobi didn't lift his head and Tae was looking at Jungkook in amusement.

"LOOK!!" Jungkook lifted his phone and showed it around,
"This song is quite famous, friends never leave, this was the song which you and Hobi hyung had written in high school!! You even showed off these lyrics with pride in front of us. I can't believe you actually made a song!! Do you even remember!??"

Hobi lifted his head to look at Yoongi staring at him, and immediately all those sweet memories from the past filled his head, and in no time he was completely engulfed by them.

"I'm sorry Hobi" Yoongi spoke with resentment in his voice, "I couldn't keep my promise. I left you alone"

"Jungkook!!" Hobi screamed, "keep that phone inside, we have much more important matters to discuss" he gritted his teeth in anger and said, "stop fooling around and ask him what is required And then let's leave!!"

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