Maknae in trouble

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Yoongi went silent once he heard those harsh words out of Hobi's mouth.

He then casually picked up some spinach and gobbled it down.

Pretending to be unperturbed by his words, Yoongi said in a calm voice, "Hoseok is right. Business comes first. Always. Now tell me, how can I help you?"

Tae and Jungkook shot each other a glance and then helplessly pulled out some photographs from a bag.

"What's this?" Asked Yoongi as he grabbed a photograph and looked at it up and down, "is this your laundry? If it is, then goddamn! You got some serious washing to do"

"I wish it were just laundry" Tae let out a sigh and handed Yoongi another photograph.

"A wall full of pictures huh, quite nice, someone is interested in photography I see" Yoongi said with ignorance.

"Hyung" Jungkook slammed the table, "we are serious!"

Yoongi threw the photographs on the table and glanced at Jungkook, then said, "I don't think I can help you with this"

"So that means you know what that is, don't you?" Tae folds his hands and narrows his eyes at Yoongi.

"It would be a shame to call myself a part of the SID if I can't make out the case by looking at these photographs, the photographs hanging on the wall have blood stains..." he continued explaining and then placed his hands on the table.

*SID - Seoul Investigation Department

The three stared at Yoongi in amusement.

Yoongi taken over by curiousity asked "But where did you find these? There are a lot of crazy things going on out there, but this is just another case of a Psychopath. Well, it's been many years since I've come across someone like this, so, who is this man we are talking about?"

"Well..... the thing is-

"We don't know for sure who it is, we just found these in a drawer" Hobi didn't allow Taehyung to complete his sentence.

Yoongi gritted his teeth in anger and glared at Hobi, "if you are going to ruthlessly lie to me like this, then I'm sorry I can't help you!"

Yoongi grabbed his phone which was placed on the table and stood up to leave.

"Wait!" Hobi grabbed his hand, "I need your help" he said looking at Yoongi.

*cough* - Jungkook

That's when Hobi let go of Yoongi's hand and he again sat down on the couch.

Taehyung jabbed Jungkook in the rib, to which Jungkook couldn't help but groan in pain.

"What was that for??" Jungkook whispered to Tae

"Because you ruined the moment, you idiot!!"

"Oops! My bad"

"Can you two stop whispering? we can hear you" Yoongi said while his mouth unintentionally curled up.

Tae then began explaining the situation in detail, "Yoongi hyung I hope you can help us with this situation, please. We found this in the basement of his house, I still don't believe that he is behind the murder of so many innocent people. And yesterday we heard him talking on the phone to someone and asking them to keep us safe, hence we have come here to ask you to help us find out more about him, even if we get a few clues about the situation then we will be more than happy and thankful towards you"

Yoongi looked at Tae and scoffed, "so are you not going to tell me who this person is? If not, how do you expect me to help you??"

"Well he is" Jungkook gulped down some water, "J-Jimin"

"What?!" Yoongi slammed the table in front of him, "I'm sorry I can't help you, not if it's about that man"

"Hyung why!?" Tae asked in confusion, "what do you mean by that man? Jimin is our friend and-

"I SAID I CANT HELP YOU! That's it!! Stop asking me questions" Yoongi was furious, he muttered under his breath.

"You are hiding something from us" Hobi pointed out, "what is it?"

"What do I have to hide from you? Everything is out there as it is. The thing is I don't want to get involved with him, never again" 

"The more you talk about him like this, the more you make me suspicious" Hobi said with confidence, "I've always wanted to know why.... we had to be separated"

The two looked at each other in silence, the air around them suddenly turned cold.

"Hobi hyung, we are not here to talk about that" Jungkook said, "if he can't help us then we have no other choice but to find someone else"

"You are right" Yoongi said, his tone a lot calmer, "there are things which had to be hidden from y'all, but just to keep you safe"

"We want to know" Hobi demanded.

"Not here" Yoongi said looking around the place, "this place is not safe"

"Not safe? This is the cafe we are visiting from more than ten years... how is this not safe?" Taehyung asked with knitted eyebrows.

"Haven't you noticed?" Yoongi crouched forward and whispered, "there are three cameras pointing at this table"

Yoongi was right, there were really three cameras which were pointing at their table and it was obvious as to why and who was behind this. Jimin.

"How come I haven't noticed this?" Jungkook said scratching his head.

"Only those with brains can point out something so obvious" Yoongi said with ignorance.

"Won't Jimin know about us meeting here then? We are busted already! shit!" Tae put on a face of despair.

"Don't worry, I've taken care of that" said Yoongi with a confident smirk, "the camera recording of this meeting will be replaced by a loop of the previous hours.....I saved us all this time. But now we have to immediately leave"


"A safer workplace"

"I'm not going!!" Hobi was burning with rage.

"Hyung.... don't be a kid" Jungkook giggled, "it's not a place filled with hot women "

"W-What...JUNGKOOK YOU BASTARD!!!" Hobi smacked his head with extra power.

"Ouch! I was just trying to persuade you hyung" Jungkook said with a pout.

"That's not how you do it" Yoongi stood up from his chair and walked towards Hobi.

Hobi leaned back on his chair, afraid of what was to come.

Yoongi leaned in closer and whispered something in Hobi's ear.

"Alright then, let's not waste time.... we are going to his workplace...get up!" Hobi was the first to get up and leave the cafe, with Yoongi tailing behind him.

"What did Yoongi hyung whisper to Hobi hyung?" Jungkook was dying of curiosity.

"Jungkook! We shouldn't interfere in personal matters" Tae smacked Jungkook's head.

Jungkook rubbed his head and followed Taehyung outside,
IF YALL KEEP SMACKING MY HEAD LIKE THIS THEN IT WOULDNT BE LONG WHEN IT FALLS OFF MY NECK!!! You are the ones who will suffer later on!! Just because I'm the Maknae you think you can do anything and I'll stay silent! hmph!!

"Jungkook If you are done cursing at us, can we leave?"

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