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"Y-eah I'm sure he would" Jungkook raises his eyebrows and shrugging his shoulders he puts on a hopeless face.

Taehyung smacks Jungkook's head harder than required, to which Jungkook cries out, "DO NOT TOUCH MY HEAD!!! I just did my hair; it took me two whole hours"

Taehyung can't help but laugh looking at the baby birds nest, "YOU CALL THAT STYLING??? HAHAHAHAH"

Jungkook pouts and breaks into a childish argument with Taehyung, who cannot help but laugh even louder.

"Stop!" the sound resonates in the empty hall, Hobi walks up to the two of them and stares fiercely, as though shooting arrows through his eyes, "Shameless assh*les, I have more important things to do than resolve these lame matters between the two of you. Stop fooling around, we don't want to get killed by Jimin, do we?"

"Can you stop referring to Jimin like that?" Taehyung retorted with seriousness in his tone, "I know he is wrong, he took the wrong path but didn't we just hear him a while ago? He is working for someone else and we aren't even sure if he killed all those people....there is a possibility, i agree, but it's still too soon to assume things. And we heard him quite clearly saying that he wants his friends to be safe, he loves us and we should be helping him, not revile him!" 

His words were heavy just like his tone, Hobi was angered by the fact that Taehyung was still inclined towards Jimin, his eyebrows were furrowed and he said, "Oh wow! now you are defending him?!? Do you hear yourself Taehyung? He is a fuckin criminal, and yes I'd very much assume that he has killed all those people. Just because he is your childhood friend doesn't mean you have to defend him even when he is wrong. If we don't get to the bottom of this matter soon, our pictures too will be hanging on that wall!!"

Taehyung felt ashamed after realising what he had just said. He was quick to understand the matter and he couldn't deny, even if he wanted to, that Jimin was the murderer.
It's just that he had known
him since they were kids and now discovering such a despicable truth about Jimin, he was crippled.

He hung his head low and tears appeared at the corner of his eyes, "I-I'm sorry Hyung"

Hobi could understand how Taehyung must've felt, he patted his shoulder and gave him a comforting nod, "it's alright Tae, we understand" he looked at Jungkook who also joined him, "Yes Taehyung you don't have to beat yourself for it"


At the office


"Looks like someone is missing you too much" remarked Park Jihoon as he glanced at Jimin who had been sneezing for a long time, "I hope it's not that kidnapper" he chuckled.

"Alright now it's not funny" Jimin wiped away the tears in his eyes which had accumulated due to those sneezes, "we have some work to do, you remember boss?"

"I have already called the driver to pick us up, he will be here anytime now" just as Jihoon says this, his phones rings, "right on time! Let's go to Junghwa market"

"Alright" Jimin nods and reassuring that the picture is inside his suit, he follows Jihoon outside.

The driver is an old looking man with his hair completely grey, he immediately gets out of the car and opens the back seat door for Jihoon and Jimin.

"Drive safe" Jimin says before he gets seated beside Jihoon in the back seat.

Though he never admits, Jimin knows that the information his Boss gives is very reliable.
Anxiousness drawn over his face Jimin cannot help but wonder who could've kidnapped Anastasia, is there someone whom Jimin has angered?

None that he can think of.

Jihoon looks at Jimin's worked up face and opens his mouth to speak, before he could say something Jimin takes out the picture from his suit and continues staring at it.

"What are you looking at?" Asks Jihoon

"Just this picture" Jimin answers without moving his orbs, "the more I look at this tall man, the more familiar he seems, I wonder if it's someone I know?"

"Don't get too worked up" Jihoon snatches the picture from Jimin's hand, "your eyesight is not too well anyways" he then starts investigating the picture closely.

Jimin clenches his teeth in anger and glances at the shameless man sitting beside him eyeing at the photograph.

"Hey driver" Jimin starts a conversation with the driver to calm himself down, "What's your name?"

"Good morning Sir" the old man smiles showing his broken teeth, "I'm James Wilde, my name was given by my great grandfather before he died of constipation"

Jimin frowns and then puts on a forced smile, "oh t-that's a bit....shocking"

He can clearly hear Jihoon giggling on his side.

"And what's your age? If you don't mind?" Jimin asks.

"I just completed 52 years last month" the driver answers cheerfully.

"Who whitewashed your hair then?"

The driver is speechless. 


Back at Jimin's house

The atmosphere is rather cold at Jimin's house. Not even a single sound can be heard. The three friends are sitting across each other on the dining table with a phone placed at the centre of the wooden table, and no one dares to touch it.

Breaking the silence Jungkook speaks, "Are we going to sit here until Jimin returns?"

Both Hobi and Taehyung shoot Jungkook with their eyes, Jungkook is silenced.

"You do it" Hobi says with his eyes fixed on his phone.

"No" Taehyung immediately speaks, "you do it"

"I'm older" Hobi says, "so you have do it"

"Hyung you are more experienced, it's more sensible if you do it"

Jungkook shifts his eyes at the two of them as they speak, and not able to tolerate it any longer he stands up and bangs the table with his hands.

The two of them, startled, look at Jungkook.

He grabs the phone with determined eyes and pressing at it a few times, with more than required force, he then places it on the table, "it's on speaker" 

Both of them are shocked to the point where there eyes are about to drop onto the table.

"BITCCCHHHH" Hobi whisper screams and smacks Jungkook, "FUQ YOUUUU"

Taehyung hides behind his chair as the phone on the table continues to vibrate with a ringing sound.

"Hobi hyung don't be a p*ssy, what are you so afraid of huh? He won't eat you whole, just speak to him like you used to" Jungkook whispers some encouragement.

Just then the phones vibrates with a loud "hello?"

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