Deep talk

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Jimin was still tied to the chair, now in a state of trance as he discovered the worst of his memories which he had locked away. Tears streamed down his face in a trail, not knowing when to stop. His eyes were wide open, shaking and his heart aching. He was trying to take in everything, once again. His mouth was agape and he struggled to breathe. The more he tried to breathe the worse it got. He couldn't breathe anymore.

A few minutes earlier

Namjoon took a deep breath and entered the building. He felt that the address seemed very familiar but he just couldn't put a finger on it. He told the others to stay in the car and that he'd go alone to get Anastasia. They all had agreed and stayed behind.

Namjoon walked up the stairs after glancing at the room number. He didn't realise it until he reached the room, but now it all came back to him. It was a part of Jimin's plan to send him here, the same room where he had found Jimin, covered in blood, with a maid's body lying on the floor. Jin And Yoongi found out too, and no matter how much Jimin begged for them to listen to him, they didn't and walked out.... abandoning the rest of them with Jimin. He regrets that decision to this day, he should've protected his friends from him.

He knocked and entered the room and found Anastasia huddled up in a corner. Namjoon hated the sight of it, it was all his fault.
"Ara... it's me" he said as he walked forward, she trembled in fear and wouldn't lift her head.
"Ara it's alright, don't be scared. It's me, Namjoon."
Anastasia lifted her head and looked at Namjoon, she burst with tears of happiness and threw her hands around him, pulling him into a hug.
Namjoon helped her calm down.
"I was so scared" she whispered in a shaking voice, "please take me home Namjoon"

"I'm glad you are fine, and I'm so so sorry for leaving you alone. You are safe now" he said with regret in his voice.

Anastasia sat up leaning against the wall, "I remember everything..... Jimin was the one who tried to kill me!! Namjoon HE ALMOST KILLED ME!!"

Namjoon exhaled sharply and said nothing, what she said was true, there was no way he could comfort her. All he could do was take her back home and keep her safe.
"Let's go Ara. I'll take you home"


In the car
"I'm so glad you are fine Ara, we thought Jimin would've killed you" Jungkook said with a comforting smile, "though I still don't understand why he wanted to kill you in the first place.... and yet here you are... alive"

"Don't say such reckless things Jungkook" Hobi smacked his head, "look at her! Does she look fine to you?! She literally died and came back.... it must've been very hard"

"Yeah it was.... but I'm fine now" Anastasia forced a smile, "I studied psychology in college so I get why I couldn't remember anything for a few days. The temporary memory loss was a defence mechanism that kept me from the trauma I went through... but it all came back to me. The brain puts up walls in your head and locks away your horrifying memories somewhere deep inside because you can't take that amount of pain or in some cases it's guilt which when let free can even kill you... at the very least you won't be the same person anymore, but this, I think I can handle. I just need some rest and a calm atmosphere"

"Wait.... so you couldn't remember anything from when Jimin..." Taehyung paused and continued with hesitation, "stabbed you?"

"Yes. I didn't remember until a few hours ago..... I fell asleep and it all came back to me... it was just so... terrifying, I woke up screaming and I've not been able to stay still since then. The image of him stabbing me and his eyes, empty and cold..... keep playing in my head..." she couldn't speak anymore as her sobs grew louder and she burst into tears.

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