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"Would you mind...dropping me at my home?" The lady asks Jimin with pleading eyes. Jimin hesitates and then says, "yeah..sure! I was leaving anyway" he gives her a smile as she adjust the folds on her thin dress.

She holds onto Jimin as she says, "Thank you for helping me, I was in need of company" Jimin smiled at her, "I'm glad I could help. Let's go"

They walk outside the restaurant hand in hand.

"Wait here. I'll get my car" Jimin leaves with a smile.

"He's cute" the lady says with a smirk on her face as Jimin walks away. "I'll try to lure him with my gorgeous body. No man has been able to escape from my charms. I'll make him fall for me. Hahahhaha" she flips her hair proudly.

Just then she hears a car honk. Jimin steps out of the car and opens the car door for the lady to sit. She holds onto her long dress and sits inside continuously smiling at Jimin. He closes the door gently and gets seated on the driving seat.

"Let's put on our seatbelts" he says as he grabs his seatbelt and pulls it across his waist.

"Umm I'm not able to put my seatbelt. Hehe it's because of this dress" the lady looks at Jimin, "would you mind?" She asks in a strange tone.

"Ah.....umm...yeah sure" Jimin leans in forward and pull the seatbelt across her body.

"You smell nice" the lady whispers.

"What was that?" Jimin pretends not to have heard.

"Uhh I said thank you" she replies hesitantly, "my pleasure" he smiles at her as he inserts the key in the ignition.

"You drive really well. We are almost there" the lady compliments Jimin.

"Well I'm not that good but thanks anyway" he gives her a faint smile.

Just then the car stops in the middle of the road.
"Ugh what now??" Jimin says frustrated. He gets out of the car and checks to see what's wrong with the car.

"Is everything alright?" The lady asks seated inside. Jimin smiles at her shyly and says, "umm well the car ran out of diesel hehe I forgot to fill it yesterday" he rubs the back of his neck, embarrassed.

"Hahahah you are cute. I would've taken a taxi but it looks like I won't get one this late at night, I can't even walk home from here, it's pretty far" she speaks with a sad expression on her face.

"Umm then what do we do?" Jimin asks the lady who seems to be smiling for some reason.

She steps out of the car holding onto her long dress and walks towards Jimin slowly.

(She falls on her face after losing balance)

"Omg are..are you alright??" Jimin quickly helps her get up, he tries to hold in his laughter after looking at her face, but bursts into laughter.

"Why are you laughing? Is something there on my face? Or is it because I fell?" She asks hurriedly running her hands on her face.

"Umm" Jimin bursts into laughter, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to but..but your..your WIG!! Hahahahhaha it slid down your bald head hahaha!!!" Jimin holds his stomach as he laughs loudly.

"Wha..what?? My wig!" The lady picks it up from the road and puts it back on her head.
She pouts as she says, "you are so rude! Don't worry I'm getting treatment for it. I will have my long black hair back on my bald head in a few days. Then you watch as men fall for my charms! Hmph"

"I'm sorry I just couldn't control my laughter, by the way do you mind if I ask you a question?" The lady nods her head, "sure go ahead Jimin"

"Can we say that your WIG WAS SNATCHED? HAHAHAHAHAHHAAH!!!! I'm sorry I'm sorry haha" the lady walks back and sits inside the car, pouting.

"You are very mean! I HATE YOU!"

"Ok I'm sorry, ok ok" Jimin calms himself and asks, "now how do we get to your house?"

*Text From Jungkook*

"Who is it?" The lady asks when she notices Jimin texting

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"Who is it?" The lady asks when she notices Jimin texting.

"Not important" he slips the phone in his right pocket and walks towards the lady.

"Now what do you suggest we do?" He asks her with raised eyebrows.

"I..I don't know" she scratches her wig, "I mean I have a plan but I'm not sure if you'd like it" she looks up at him.

"Anything will do, just tell me" Jimin replies.

The lady get out of the car and places her right hand on Jimin's chest, "Jimin" she steps closer, "there is a motel nearby, how about we spend the night there?" she moves her face closer to Jimin's, Jimin grabs her hand, preventing her from moving any closer, "yeah sure, let's go"

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