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Jimin looked at the lady through the corner of his eyes. A smirk slowly forming on his face, he walked forward and opened the door for her to enter.

"Thanks baby" she giggled and got into the car without any hesitation.

He helped her sit in the car with her overflowing dress reluctantly pushed into the car and then seated himself in the main seat. He put his seatbelt, "Put on your seatbelt"

She grabbed the seatbelt in her hand and tried pulling it, but it wouldn't come out, she pulled it again with both her hands, but it was too reluctant!

"Let me help you" Jimin said while removing his seatbelt which slowly slid off from his chest. He leaned in closer to her and held the seatbelt in his right hand, she stared at his face which was just a few inches away from hers. Suddenly, she kissed him on his lightly freckled cheek. She herself was surprised and couldn't comprehend her action, in conclusion it wasn't intentional! Atleast that's what she thought. He turned his face to look at her and chuckled.

"I..I..didn't..." he didn't allow the lady to complete her sentence because he rubbed his lips against hers. She felt the pace of her heartbeat immediately increasing. She did what she had to, she kissed him back, while smoothly placing her right hand on his neck she pulled him closer for a better kiss.

He let go of the seatbelt which he was holding in his right hand and used that hand to grab her waist. They made out for a few minutes and the "experienced" one, which she claimed to be, was already running out of breath. He realised it and pulled his lips away from her plump lips. She struggled for breath while he looked at her and licked his lips which were now wet and swollen.

She did feel unusual and strange at that time. But she was enjoying it. Clearly.

He leaned in closer and held her face in his left hand and stared into her black eyes which now seemed more innocent than they did before. but Jimin's gaze was strong, filled with lust and anger. The lady however didn't understand his true intentions and misunderstood that look as just passion and lust. She was ready to give her all to him. It was so hard to resist him.

"Jimin not here" the lady managed to say, blushing hard, "it will be a problem if someone sees us here"
He understood what she meant.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that.... I think it was the drinks. I'm usually not like this. I should've asked you before I..." he rubbed the back of his head embarrassed. The lady smile while biting the corner of her lower lip.

He drove the car to the Motel as decided without any conversation.

Jimin first got out of the car, and as any gentleman would, he helped the lady out. Just then he received a text from Taehyung.

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"I'm sorry I have to go" jimin spoke in a low voice

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"I'm sorry I have to go" jimin spoke in a low voice. The lady who was already entering the motel turned around in shock. Not realising her wig slid off her bald head, she walked towards jimin with a sad look in her eyes.


"Ssshhh" the lady placed a finger on jimin's lips "don't say anything just come with me"

"But your-" she grabbed jimin's arm and pulled him along.

"Wait!" Jimin grabbed her hand, and pushed her against the blue wall with his strong arms.

"Wh...wha...wh...what are you doing"

He leaned in closer, their breaths on each other's face, his lips one inch away from her right ear, "your wig fell off"

"Wh-" she went wide eyed in embarrassment and pushing away jimin off her, she grabbed the wig and adjusted it perfectly on her head.

"Thanks Jimin" She said in a low tone without looking at him. 

Jimin felt sorry that he couldn't accompany her for the rest of the night, "I'm sorry but I really have to go. I didn't want to leave you alone."

"It's alright Jimin. Your the sweetest person I've met. see you tomorrow"

Jimin was about to leave when she suddenly grabbed his hand. Jimin turned to look at her, "would you mind dropping me till my room. I'm scared" she said with a pitiful expression drawn over her face. She was a really needy woman. (XD)

They walked towards the door maintaining a one inch gap between them. Being so close to Jimin, the lady was losing her mind.

"Bye" he waved at her with the sweetest smile. She smiled back at him and opened the door with her key. She turned the knob towards the right and the door unlocked with a click sound. Before entering the room she  turned to look at him one last time. He was standing right in front of her smiling. She just stood still, staring at him, jimin raised his eyebrows saying, "what happened? go inside"

She pouted.

(Note: Let me tell you that hoe was really pretty and had a very attractive body except for her bald head, you could tell she was perfect.)

"Fuck this" he said as he grabbed her arm and pulled her inside the room.
He immediately locked the door from inside before pushing his body on hers against the wall.

"You are making me do this" he whispered to her, his breath fanning her face. She could already feel her temperature rising.

The atmosphere had all of a sudden turned hot.

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