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(kids go and drink some milk)

"No one can resist me" she whispered back to him.

Jimin stared at her for a few seconds, not realising the smirk his lips had turned into.

He leaned closer, "don't worry I'll go slow" his hands wandered around her back, and then pushing her on the bed he climbed up on her, his body on her's.

"Let me help take off your clothes" he said in the dirtiest tone.

"You've already stated talking dirty to me" her hands roamed around jimin's back, "I like it" she said, biting her lower lip.

They made out for a few minutes, and in the process jimin undressed her quickly while she did the same.

"You must work out a lot" she smiled at him, while his hands were busy on her legs.

"Oh yes. I do, sweetheart" he said as he left kisses on her neck, making her crave for more.

*ring* *ring*
(The bloody phone always interrupts XD)

Jimin leaned on her to check his phone placed on the other side of the bed.
Not realising his leg was still between her legs, his sudden movement made her moan loudly, her sharp nails leaving noticeable marks all over jimin's neck and a nasty scratch on his back.

"Argh" he moaned, "it stings"

"Oops I'm sorry, your body is a bit too much for me" she grinned, kissing Jimin passionately.

"I'd love to play with you for a little longer, but I will have to leave sweetheart. My friends need me" he said, while his hands were busy caressing the lady's wet lips.

"Jimin?" She said furrowing her eyebrows, "No you can't leave me like this, we didn't even start" she pouted, "and look you even have a boner"

"Umm that" jimin's eyes wavered, "I always have a boner"

There was silence for a few seconds.

Then he pulled out the butter knife from his pocket and lay down beside her. (He was on top of her all this time)

"W-what is that for?" Suspicious, she asked.

"Oh" he exclaimed, "this? It's for you ba-by"

"W-what are you saying jimin" she sat straight on the bed, afraid, "it's not funny. Stop joking"

"It isn't meant to be funny" he said, sitting straight up before her, half naked, while she was stark naked, "and I don't joke baby"

He smirked horrifyingly.

Her eyes went wide in fear and her mouth opened to scream, but before she could shout for help, her mouth was covered and the knife had already entered her bare stomach.

"I'm glad we just kissed" he smiled at the half dead woman lying on the bed, a sea of blood surrounding her, "if we would've gone further, I would be in danger. Tae saved me"

"W-why did you d-do this to me?" she struggled to speak while holding on to the knife stabbed into her stomach, "answer me j-Jimin" warm tears rolled down her cheeks, "I-I had started liking you"

"Just die already" he said buttoning up his shirt, "it's not your fault. I just don't like pretty girls"

"FUCK YOU" she cried before she lost her breath and gave in to the darkness.

"Many girls want to huh"

"IM SORRY IM LATE" He announced while entering the restaurant.

They already had the "It's not the first time" look on their faces.

"Hyunggggg your late again" Jungkook whined, "your thirty minutes late. That's a lot of time"

"I know Jungkookie. And I'm sorry" he pulled the chair and sat down on the empty table, "I had some important work to take care of"

"Jimin" Tae said, "what is that important work you always mention? It's not like your shameless boss keeps you until this late at the office and your part time job, what was your part time job again?" He pretends to think, "anyways, I know that you are hiding things from us. And I don't want to force you to tell us, just- I just want you to be careful. I don't want you to get hurt-

"Taehyung" jimin says in a stern voice, "I'm fine"

"Hey jimin" Jhope tries to immediately change the serious atmosphere, "what's that on your neck?"

"Huh?" Jimin tries looking at his neck, "what? I can't see"

"There look" jhope points it out to the others, "the hickeys"

Jungkook and Taehyung say in unison, "So this is why you were late" and chuckle among themselves.

"No...what? No it's not what it looks-

"Jimin hyung, even a kid can tell those are love bites" jungkook says, his laugh growing louder.

"Shhh" Jimin gets embarrassed, "people can hear you jungkook"

"So who's the unlucky girl?" Taehyung asks raising his eyebrows alternately.

"Uh-t" rubbing the back of his neck, jimin tries hard to remember the name, "I-I can't remember the name hehe"


The other people dining at the restaurant turn to look toward the guilty man.


"What an unlucky h*e, she f*cked a man who doesn't even remember her name. I hope she's alright" Taehyung says pretending to be worried about the woman.

"Oh trust me she is more than alright"

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