Know it all

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Hobi walks out of the house without saying anything.

"Where are you going?" Yoongi says as he follows him outside.

Jungkook scratches his head, "I guess he does deserve a worse death after all" he says, "I'll wait for you in the car" he too walks outside after giving Namjoon a smile.

Taehyung pats Namjoon's shoulder and leaves with a heavy heart.

Jin walks towards Namjoon, "I know this is hard for you, it is for all of us. But assuming Anastasia is someone special to you, you should be glad she's alive," he says, "let's go find her. She's probably in that fake office of his or even some old factory... also a forest! That's a possibility, right? Or-Or even his house where we may find a secret chamber-"
Namjoon interrupts Jin, "Jimin gave me her exact location so...."

"Yeah. O-of course. I-I definitely knew that" Jin says scratching his head, embarrassed and the two of them leave the house, locking the door behind them.


A hundred miles from Seoul, in an old cabin in a forest.

"I kept you alive all these years," the man with a scar on his left cheek asks, "do you know why?"

The eighteen-year-old boy whimpers on the ground, holding his knees close to his chest in fear.

"ANSWER ME!!!!" The scarred man screams at the boy, crouching down beside him.

The boy's lips shake as he opens his mouth, but nothing comes out of his mouth, just a low whimper.

The man twists his neck and gets up, he walks towards the window and grabs a rusty iron rod lying on the floor. The boy lifts his face to peek at the man who is standing just in front of him, a face full of anger and a rod in his hand.

"PLEASE! NO" the boy begs but the man doesn't care to listen and starts beating the boy with it, showing absolutely no mercy.
The boy screams in pain, crying out loud and begging for him to stop.

"IM SORRY" he cries in pain, wiping away his tears with his bloody hands, he says, "I'll answer! Please!"

The man finally stops. He throws away the iron rod and wipes his sweaty forehead.
He sighs and says, "Only if you had answered my question right away, I wouldn't have to work so hard" he throws a piece of cloth at him and says, "wipe off all that blood"

The boy timidly grabs the cloth and wipes the blood off his broken elbow, where the skin has been completely torn off and the blood won't stop flowing.

The man breathes furiously and slaps the boy.
The boy, trembling, looks at him with tears streaming down his face.

"I asked you to clean the blood on the floor you pathetic piece of sh*t!" He screams.
He then walks towards the window, "oh look the sun is rising already" he says and looks at the boy with a smile, "it's time to finish what I started years ago. Let's go"

The boy doesn't move except for his body which trembles involuntarily.

The man crouches in front of the boy and screams "I SAID LET'S GO!"

The boy tries to get up hastily but falls back down due to his injured leg which was the result of the man beating him with the iron rod.

"I-I- dont think I can walk... I-I'm so sorry I'm trying but-but I c-can't"

The man laughs maniacally, "either you get up" he says with a smug look on his face, "or I drag you outside"


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