Another Murder

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" why isn't he moving?" The Boss confused, asks his teammate, who's gone way behind him.

He waves his hand behind him in hopes of grabbing his mate but no luck.

He finally turns around to see that his mate is signalling him from the other side of the road.

"B*TCH WHY DID YOU GO THERE?! GET BACK HERE NOW OR ILL CRUSH YOU" he screams while cupping his mouth, loud enough.

"YOU GET OUT OF THERE NOW BOSS!!" He screams from the other side, evidently looking scared.

"Josh isn't moving because he's dead" Jimin throws a stone at him to get his attention.

"Stop bullshitting! He just fell on his face, how could he die?!" Furious, he steps forward and pushes Jimin away, "Get out of my way! Josh can't die so easily, we've been together for more than twenty years"

"Twenty years, huh?" Jimin has a smug look on his face and leans against the wall, "something special?"

"You don't have to know"
The Boss or rather the step brother of the man lying dead on the ground leans beside him to turn him over.

He is astounded and doesn't speak a word.
Below Josh's head, starting from the neck and continuing until the lower abdomen is a deep cut which is bordered by his own blood.

"Don't worry, he's gone to a better place, away from you is definitely better" whispers the waiter from behind.

Tears welled up in his eyes, the brother gets up and lifts his clenched fist to punch Jimin, but before he can do so, his teammate rushes towards him and holds him back.


"Boss" the teammate leans closer in his ear, "that's Park Jimin"

"What?!" His eyes go wide open

"Yes!!! That's him! Let's get out of here before he kills us both"

"B-But what about my brother?! He killed him for fucks sake!"

"And that HE is Park Jimin! We both know that's he's a psych-

"Can y'all stop whispering?!" Jimin grabs a cigarette from his pocket, "someone got a lighter?"

Rustling through his pockets impatiently the Boss places the light in front of Jimin's cigarette.

"Thanks!" Jimin nods with a smile, "Now you two can leave"

They both bow down respectfully to Jimin and run away faster than their legs can carry them.

"Woah! They ran away like a bunch of scared pussies" the waiter laughs wholeheartedly while holding his stomach, "And Jimin Sir, I want to thank you for saving me from those gangsters! I'm really really thankful, I don't know how to express my feelings in words but I owe you my life"

"That's very nice of you, but it wasn't a big deal" Jimin places his hand on the waiter's shoulder, "I see my friend is in danger and here I am! Well...I never got your name"

"Oh right! I am Seong Sunwoo" he smiles.

I got friend zoned; he thinks.

"See you around" Jimin waves at him, "I am getting late"

"I'll be at the cafe Sir, waiting for you... and if you don't mind me asking why didn't you come with your friends today?"
They both start walking towards the street.

"I had work in the morning... had to rush to the office, I'll come tonight" he says casually.

"Maybe you've already gotten replaced"

"Huh? Why do you say that?" Jimin taken aback asks Sunwoo.

"I saw another man with the three of them this morning"

Another man?! Who can it be?!

"Any idea who it was?"

"Nope.. I'm afraid" Sunwoo pauses for a thought and then says, "but yes they didn't order anything and were in a hurry to leave, they seemed pretty close.."

"Oh that's nice! Haha"


"Yeah! Why not? Their friends are my friends... so I guess I have a new friend now"

"And what about me?!" Asks Sunwoo expectantly.

"Mmhm" Jimin pretends to think, "you are not just a friend...."

"What does that mean?"

They stand in front of Jimin's car, Jimin smiles at Sunwoo and replies, "let your heart decide"

Jimin never meant it the way Sunwoo heard it. Jimin simply meant it in professional terms, but Sunwoo secretly being in love with Jimin couldn't take these words lightly.

Did he just say m-my heart?! JIMIN SIR WHAT DOES THAT MEAN??! Not just a friend?! WHAT AM I TO YOU????

Before Sunwoo can ask some questions, Jimin drives away in his car.

Next time. I guess.


Jimin opens Jihoon's office door with a bang.

"I need help" he sits down on the chair, panting heavily.

"Calm down" Jihoon gets up from his chair, "don't forget that I'm your Boss"

Oh I'd never; that ugly face is enough to remind me.

After a moment of silence, Jihoon stands in front of Jimin and with one arched eyebrow he asks him, "You murdered someone?!"


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