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(Warning : Mention of rape, I suggest you not read if you are not comfortable)

"I saw you looking at me" there is a whisper in Jimin's ear.

Jimin turns around to see a woman in a short red dress. She looks like she must be in her mid twenties, fair skin and big eyes, a perfect body and an expensive purse.

Red again. These women don't know when to stop. What does she want from me?!

"You must've misunderstood, I wasn't looking at you" He really wasn't looking at anyone in particular, all the time he was in search of the kidnapper. He didn't want any obstructions in his way, in other words he wanted that woman to be gone.

"Maybe I was" she draws patterns with her fingers on jimin's shoulder, "do you mind if I sit here" she says pointing at the chair beside him.

"You can sit anywhere you like" Jimin doesn't pay attention to her anymore.

She sits down beside him and signals the bartender. He seems to have understood and immediately gets to work. It's evident that she's a regular at this place.

The bartender places a drink in front of her and another in front of Jimin. Jimin never ordered this, things become clear when Jimin looks beside him, the woman smiles at him, he mentally rolls his eyes and forces a smile on his lips.

"Thank you"

"It's alright, you look like a nice person" the woman raises her glass, "cheers"

Their glasses clink together and they both gulp down their drinks.

The woman babbles about her family and the guys she has dated, and Jimin pays no attention to her.
"You know I'm from a rich family, my father gets me anything I ask. There is nothing that I can't buy, but seems like love cant be bought. I've dated a lot of guys and all of them ran away with my money, they didn't care about my feelings at all, seems like I'm a fool who keeps falling in love and I don't......."

Why do I feel so drunk? I've never felt this way, this is new.... wait I just drank one glass of alcohol and some wine, how can I get drunk to this extent? What's this new feeling!? I need to wash my face.

Jimin tries standing up from his chair, but his head starts spinning and he falls right back into the chair.

"You alright??" The woman holds Jimin's hand, "you don't look too well, did you drink too much?"
Jimin pushes her hand away.

"I'm not drunk! Let go of me" Jimin stands up taking support of his chair, and is about to fall just after two steps.

The woman seems to have seen this coming and immediately holds him, preventing him from falling face to ground.

"Don't be stubborn, let me help you. There is nothing to lose here, come I'll take you where you need to go"

Something is definitely wrong with me, this is just not me being drunk....

"You need to use the washroom right?" The woman asks while supporting Jimin stand up on his feet.

Jimin's eyes are half closed, he tries to keep himself awake and just barely manages to nods at the question.

"Well it's impossible to take you to the men's toilet, because obviously I can't enter. But don't worry, I have my own room in here, I mentioned to you earlier that my father owns this bar, but it seems like you weren't paying attention"
The two of them make their way through the crowd, gaining looks as they move.

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