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"Oh look who's here"
An annoyed grin on his lips, Mr.Jihoon stands up from his comfortable chair and walks towards Jimin.

"This big man thinks he owns this company. He can come and go whenever he wishes to and no one will say nothing ha ha DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS??!"

Startled jimin answers, "No Sir I-I was just a bit hungover from drinking too much last night-

"Yeah yeah another lame excuse"

"No but I'm-

"We need to visit the hospital. We were waiting for you. Now that you are here we can leave. Take whatever is required and come downstairs in five minutes. Got it?"

Jimin nods his head forcing a smile. A smile which anyone could tell was fake.

"Alright dickhead whatever you say" jimin whispers to himself. 


"Why do we have to go see her again? Wasn't once enough?" jimin says, seated beside his Boss Mr. Jihoon in the black car.

"Jimin. Can you just shut up for once and do as I say? She was one of the workers in our office and we have to take responsibility. Atleast until she retrieves her memory"

The rest of the journey to the hospital was awkwardly silent, just a few glances were exchanged between the Boss and Jimin.

"We are here Sir" the car stops in front of the huge hospital building.


"Why God why me?? Why do I have to put up with this old-

"Jimin I can hear you"

Jimin, embarrassed, scratches the back of his head and follows his Boss into the hospital.

They enter the elevator and press the button which would take them to the fourth floor.

Standing at two corners of the elevator both of them do not speak a word.

The elevator doors open and they see a nurse rushing towards their direction, perspiration all over her pale looking face.

"What's wrong?" Jimin asks.

"SHE GOT KIDNAPPED!!" She shouts, "What do I do? It's all my fault" she looks disturbed.


"Anastasia, the patient in room no. 9. I don't know what to do I need to inform the doctor. No, the police"
She removes the phone from her pocket and dials the number with her shaking hands.

Jimin looks at his Boss.

"Give that phone to me" Jihoon snatches the phone from the nurse.

"W-what are you doing???"

Jimin grabs her hand and pushes her against the elevator wall, "listen to me carefully. Anastasia isn't kidnapped. None of this happened here. She never was at this hospital. This is all just a dream. Erase this from your memory otherwise I can do it myself. Understand?"

Frightened to death, the nurse nods her head, "I-I p-promise I won't tell anyone. Let me go"

Just then the elevator doors open up to the ground floor.


"Is it safe to let her go?" Jihoon asks Jimin.

"For now It is"

They both leave the hospital and get seated in the car. Both of them now more serious than ever.

"What is going on? Who kidnapped her?" Jimin asks.

"As far as I know about Anastasia, she neither had any family or friends. I don't understand-

"No. There was someone" Jimin says, trying to remember everything he knows about Anastasia.

"W-who?" Jihoon asks as beads of sweat start covering his forehead.

"Don't you remember? That night when we were about to leave the office, the night before Anastasia was stabbed, we saw her talking with some tall man but we couldn't see his face as it was dark" Jimin says looking at his Boss, "I-It's him"

"How can you be so sure? What if she was really kidnapped by some lunatic? Try being reasonable!! It doesn't make sense!"

"Calm down for now. We will find her soon. Trust me."


At Jimin's house

"Jimin should've just stayed back" Hobi says, cleaning up the mess in the living room.

"Yeah hyung. We could have done something fun together" Jungkook says.

Taehyung busy cleaning the dirty dishes from last night listens to their conversation without saying anything.

Hobi grabs the towel which Jungkook had been wearing on his head.

"I need to take a shower"

"Yes you stink" Taehyung screams from the kitchen.

Rolling his eyes Hobi enters Jimin's room. "I haven't seen a messier room" looking around the messy room he goes towards Jimin's bed, "Who keeps underwears under the pillow?" He says picking up one of the garments in his left hand, "ew"

I'll clean his room after taking a shower.

"I hope his bathroom is clean" saying this Hobi enters the bathroom.


Startled by the scream both Taehyung and Jungkook rush to jimin's room.


Hobi was frozen in front of the bathroom sink.

Pointing his hand towards the sink he said, "B-B-Blood"

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