Not Safe

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The room falls into deep silence until Yoongi opens his mouth and says, "that's bullsh*t"

Jihoon stares at him and says nothing.

Yoongi realizesand comments, "you, are not lying" because he can read a person's face too well.

"I don't know what to say anymore" Hobi grumbles, "I don't know sh*t about Jimin and everything I know is a lie"

"His intention was good" Jihoon says in a defending tone.

"Sure" Taehyung remarked from the back with a face full of annoyance. Maybe it was because he felt betrayed, Jimin was his childhood friend, after all, he had known him longer than anyone else present in that room at the moment.

It takes them a while before they start to speak again.

Namjoon says, "as I said before....we need to know everything you know about Jimin"

"And why would I do that?" Jihoon scoffs, "I am loyal to my master"

Jungkook lifts his eyebrows, his forehead almost disappearing, he says "Oh I get it. You are his pet! You bark only when he tells you to"

"Kid" Jihoon smiles, "these taunts won't work on me. Call me a dog if you want and I'll humbly accept it" 

Jin exhales sharply, comes forward and says, "I don't care who is Boss here. We just want to help Jimin alright? I must say that you are the most loyal b*tch I have met"

Jihoon thinks for a moment and sighs lightly, "promise me" he says, "that you won't hand him over to the police no matter what"

Yoongi grabs Jihoon's collar, "that's not happening b*tch" he says, "he is a murderer!"

"WHAT HE DID WAS RIGHT! THOSE PEOPLE HE KILLED DESERVED EVERY BIT OF THE TORTURE!" Jihoon screams with anger written all over his face.

"I don't care if those people deserved it or not! HE KILLED THEM IN THE WORST WAYS I CAN IMAGINE AND THAT MONSTER IS NOT THE JIMIN I KNOW!!" Namjoon said with eyes full of pain, his voice breaking, "I saw all those reports and I prayed with all my heart that the man responsible for this would die a horrible death... and look how fate did its thing and the man behind it turns out to be Jimin"

"I'm sorry," Jihoon says, "I know it is hard for you but he has a reason for all of this. You have to trust him, for the last time"

"Shut your mouth!!" Yoongi bangs the table with his fist, he says, "stop defending him you piece of sh*t!! And you ask us to trust HIM?! For all we know he could be plotting our murders right now!"

Jihoon chuckles mockingly, he says, "unlike you he wouldn't even think of hurting you! He loves you all more than you think" his voice fades and he lowers his head, "h-he just.... I am not allowed to say it"

"SAY IT!" Yoongi screams in Jihoon's face.

"I am under orders not to tell you anything...I'm sorry" Jihoon says with a remorseful tone, "But I can tell you something else which is of importance to Kim Namjoon"

"What?!" Namjoon asks out of sheer curiousness and a hint of surprise.

"Anastasia is alive"


Meanwhile Jimin tries to break through the door, but no matter how hard he tries he can't. The door has been reinforced so there is no way he can get out of there, not from the inside.

"CRAP" he punches the door out of anger. He had seen his friends beat Jihoon and take him inside. They could be probably torturing him at the moment to get the truth out of him, especially Yoongi.

He crashed on the bed, disappointed, when the back of his head hit something.

"Ouch" he got up and looked under the pillow, "Jin hyung hasn't changed since the last time I met him... keeping his keys in a box and under the pillow. So that the captive can leisurely run away any time he wants to. How stupid" He scoffs and uses the key to open the door.

He looks around the house but there is not a single soul around. Where in the hell did everyone go and with Jihoon the wrinkly ass?
Just then he hears some noises and surprisingly it's from under the floor.

A secret basement? Really? Typical Jin hyung. He thinks to himself as he goes towards the towering book shelf hoping he can find a way to open the 'secret door'. He tries lifting his left hand but finds it impossible to get his hand to move. His eyebrows knot in confusion until he realises. Crap! I did this to myself... thankfully Jin hyung knows how to stitch wounds otherwise I would've bled to death. This wound will take a while to heal.

So, giving up on his left hand he uses his right hand to look through the books. He comes across a rather strange piece of work on the shelf. His lips curl into a smirk as he pulls out the book. Porn? Really hyung? So obvious. And as expected he finds a switch behind the book and presses it.

The book shelf breaks in the middle, opening into two halves, exposing the dark, narrow stairway leading to the basement.

Jimin carefully tiptoes his way down, making sure not to make any noise which could alert his friends.
Their voices get clearer as he steps further down.

"That's impossible"
He hears a familiar voice.
"She's dead! He ordered his men to do it right in front of me and w-with that kid I shot back there, there is no way he could let Anastasia. I know that boy meant something to him"

"He ordered his men" Jimin hears Jihoon say, "not to kill Anastasia"

Jimin finds his cue and steps out of the dark, "I'm sorry I kept you waiting" he smiles at them.

"H-how did you get out of the room?" Jin asks taken aback by his sudden appearance and somewhere at the back of his head he finds himself afraid of his old friend, Jimin.

Jimin laughs, "well someone was foolish enough to leave the room keys inside the room..... and I'm guessing, because this is your house, it must be you....Jin hyung"

Jin coughs out of embarrassment, but Jimin gives him a warm hug. Jin debates in his mind for a while if he should receive this hug but then gives in to it and pats Jimin on the back with a smile.

"Woah woah slow down man" Yoongi pushes Jimin away from Jin, "we know what you've done"

Jimin laughs shaking his head, "I am aware of that"

"Then it's not a surprise that you shamelessly came here instead of running away, unlike any other murderer" Jungkook gives him a cold look, completely opposite from the way he used to look at him before, an older brother whom he looked up to.

"Jungkook you seem to be..." Jimin tilts his head and says, "I don't know, angry?"

Jungkook exhales sharply, anger and annoyance all over his face, "I HATE YOU HYUNG" he shouts and charges forward but is held back by Hobi.

"This is not the time Jungkook" Hobi pushes him back and pats him on the shoulder, "calm down"

Jimin doesn't say anything, a look of despair crowding his face, his shoulders drop down and the fake smile he was wearing washes away.

"I'm sorry" Jimin says in a faint voice, "I can explain"

Taehyung begins to speak "We don't need your explanation! After what you've done-

"We can discuss this later but first we need to leave immediately!" Jimin holds Hobi's hand and says, "hyung please! This place is not safe anymore. We have to leave! Trust me"

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