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Jungkook sat beside Yoongi who was driving the car. Hobi and Taehyung sat behind and none of them spoke for half of the journey, they couldn't help but wonder if Yoongi's office was situated in some other city.

"Isn't your office very far away?!" Asks Hobi all of a sudden.

"No, it's not that far away... I'm just roaming around the streets" Yoongi says turning the steering wheel in his hand sharp right.

"WHAT?!" Taehyung seems to be very confused, "what's the need to do that?"

"It's important Taehyung," Yoongi says smiling, "there might be people tracking us...we don't want to get caught, do we?"

"Like who?" Asks Jungkook.


At the office

"Yes, I killed someone" Jimin says without any guilt.

"What the f-" Jihoon's face turns a shade darker, "AND YOU SAY THAT WITH NO SHAME?!"

"Oh come on, it's not a big deal, I had to save a....friend. Hence I ended up killing someone, So What? It's not like this is my first time Boss"

"I'm surprised you have friends you care for" Jihoon shrugs and walks towards Jimin, "you better stop doing this! Otherwise, you'll get me in trouble"

That's what I've been aiming for, Jimin chuckles.

"Why are you laughing like a fool now? Do you get the seriousness of the situation? You fuckin killed some man and now I HAVE TO TAKE CARE OF THIS SITUATION!!" Anger evident on his face Jihoon makes a phone call.

"Where is the body?" Asks Jihoon.

"In an alley near the brigade circle, in a garbage dump"


"I'm going to the research office, take care of the matter"

"I need their location!! Immediately" Jimin walks around looking uneasy.

I should've kept an eye on them, They are definitely up to something!! I need to find them!! Thank god Sunwoo told me about them otherwise I would've never known.... they've already turned against me?! I should've been more careful with those three. You won't be able to hide from me for long... Hobi, Taehyung, And Jungkook.

"Sir I've got their location!" Screams one employee.

"FINALLY!!" Jimin rushes towards the computer, "why are they so far from home??"

"Sir they seem to be moving really fast," says the employee tapping on the keyboard simultaneously, "I can track all three phones in the same vehicle"

None of them has a damn car!! Whose car is it?!

"There is another person in the car" he continues.


"Y-Yes Sir!" The employee nervously taps on the keyboard, his face turning gloomier by the minute.

"What's wrong, why did you stop?! Didn't you hear me? I said get me-

"I lost them, Sir, they somehow got rid of their phones"

"F*CKING HELL!!" Jimin smacks the table with his fist and storms outside the room.

You got away this time.

"SIR WAIT!!" The same employee runs outside and grabs Jimin's shoulder, "I have some other information"

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