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Author's POV

'Hi brother'
Luce looked up from the scroll in his hands to see his brother. His demeanor changed on seeing him.
'What brings you here Michael?' Luce asked coldly.

Michael gave him a sadistic smile 'I see you've really gotten acquainted to hell. It's quite lovely down here. Don't you think? Especially hearing the screams of lost SOULS. It's melodic to the ear'
'And you're the one fit for the throne in Hell. Your personae suits that of the devil perfectly. Don't you think?' Luce mimicked.

'You're jealous because you're no longer his favorite son. I got really tired of hearing him say good about you. You always take all the credits and I was nothing but your shadow. Now you're nothing to him' Michael laughed.
'If you've come to vex me. I'd advise you go, I could really hurt you down here and he ain't gonna do nothing about it. This is my domain and you're only a trespasser' Luce growled, his eyes turning a beet red.

'Father sent me here Luce. My safety matters to him, so you can't do nothing and think he'd let it slide'
'You're a fool to think he'd come save you. You still can't defend yourself without calling him for help. You're a wussy. You know you'll always remain in the shadows Mike. Not even you can change that fact' Luce said looking him dead in the eyes.

Michael laughed at him 'No. You're the one in my shadow now. And that's where you'll stay!'
'What in the bloody hell have you come to say? Spit it out and get lost. You're starting to annoy me!'  Luce's voice boomed.

'The armageddon won't happen. Father wants a truce'
Luce smirked, his eyes had a glint of mischief in them 'And what makes you think I'd agree to that? Once her power fully manifests, the world's doomed for sure. Tell dear old Dad there won't be any truce. I've been waiting for the ARMAGEDDON. He's not gonna stop it this time'

'You can't go against him' Mike said.
'Watch me'

GENESIS: The 5th Horseman [Rediting]Where stories live. Discover now