Who I am

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Author's POV

'Where the fuck is she?!' Ali yelled storming into the music room.
'Where's who?' Dagan asked.
'Don't play dumb with me Dagan....' Ali gave him a warning look.

'I don't know what the hell you're talking about' He lied.
Ali grabbed him by the collar 'Don't joke with me Dagan. I could really hurt you' He warned his eyes dark and dangerous.
'Ok, ok' He raised his hands up in defense 'She's safe. That's all I can tell you'

'You'll tell me where she is right now or......' Dagan cuts him off.
'So you can force her to marry you against her will? Not gonna happen'
'It's for her own good you arse hole! She's in danger dammit! Can't you understand? She isn't safe anywhere!' Ali yelled atop his voice.

'.....' Dagan was short of words.
'So..... Where is she?' Ali asked him.
'In my safe house, in Greece'
'Safe house?' Ali scoffed 'Yeah right! Let's just hope they don't get to her before we do'

'They?' Dagan arched a brow.
'Your mother....... And of course, your favorite Uncle, Michael' Ali replied dryly.
'He's not!' Dagan said his voice filled with disdain.
'We don't have time for this shit! Take me to her' Ali said to him.
'Ok' A portal appears as they both left.


Gen's POV

I was binge-watching Stranger Things on Netflix all day. I didn't have anything to do here though and I won't be stepping outside for a while. So, I just decided to watch my favorite show, until a certain someone decided to interrupt. I didn't know who it was, but I knew I heard the bell ring and again it rang the second time.

I walked over the door contemplating whether to open it or not. No one knew where I was except Dagan, cuz this was his safe house. He'd helped me escape the underworld.

I know Papa must've sent someone to look for me. But no one can ever find me, at least that's what Dagan had told me. No one knew about this place.

I opened the door only to find no one there 'Is my mind playing tricks on me? Or is Dagan trying to play a prank on me?'
I closed the door having found no one and turned only to come face to face with Papa.

'Hello Prosperine. It's nice to finally meet you' He said with a hint of mischief in his eyes.
'What does he mean by that?' I thought inwardly.
'I'm not your Father Prosperine. Don't get me wrong. I'm his twin brother Michael' He smirked.

'Twin brother?! Papa had a twin brother?'
'Yes. I bet he never mentioned anything about me. He'd never' Michael said.
'What are you? How did you get in? How did you find me? Did Papa Send you?' I asked all at once.

'One question at a time Prosperine. Finding you was pretty easy and NO, your father didn't send me' He said.
I let out a sigh of relief 'Thank goodness. He doesn't have to know where I am. Please don't tell him'

'Sure' He smiled and I could tell it wasn't genuine.
'So..... What can I offer you?' I asked him.
'I don't want anything' His eyes scanned the living room.
'Uhh..... Ok'

'I'm so sorry Prosperine, but you gotta go' His eyes turned white and hollow 'You're an obstacle I have to remove' He took a step closer to me and I backed away.
'Wh.... What do you mean?' I stuttered my back hitting the wall, there was no escaping now. I was trapped.

'Your existence is a threat to the world. You know that don't you?' He continued 'I'll have to stop you before you fully emerge as the beast you were born to be'
'I have to do something' I thought.

'You must be stupid to think I'd let you get to me without a fight' My eyes glowed, my hands began to burn, but it didn't hurt and black flames rose around me, It felt so surreal.
I shoved my palm forward, as fire burned him and he moved away from me.

'You're quite good, but not good enough!' He charged towards me. Blasting white lights at me but I dodged, as it hit the wall leaving a huge hole on it.
'That was close' I said looking back at him 'I'll let you walk away, if you'd stop this madness'
'Pft!....' He scoffed 'Do I look like some idiot who'd give up a fight?'
I looked down at my seared hand and it healed up immediately. I can regenerate damaged tissues, that's cool and I just found out thanks to this Dumbo.

'You shouldn't have done that Michael'
I didn't know how it happened, but a pair of black webbed wings sprung out of my back stabbing his chest.
I had no control over them, as they continued to stab him on the chest.

He was gradually loosing consciousness. I didn't have to fight anymore as my wings did it for me. Never thought I had one.
When he couldn't take it anymore, he disappeared into thin air.
'Coward!' I thought aloud.

I looked around the sitting room and it was completely destroyed. 'Dagan's definitely not gonna like this'
Suddenly a portal appeared and Dagan stepped out with Ali trailing behind him.
Speak of the devil.

'Are you alright?' Ali asked his eyes scanning my body for any injury.
'Yes I'm fine' I replied.
'What the hell happened here?' Dagan asked.
'Michael happened. But I took care of him' I replied plainly 'I hurt him pretty bad. Next time, if we ever cross paths again, he wouldn't dare pick a fight with me. So you see, I didn't need a Mate after all' I glared at Ali.

'Everyone does princess' Ali said.
'Not on my case!' I said 'I knew this was your plan from the very start!'
'No. It was you father's. He proposed and I had no other option than to accept. He did it to protect you' Ali said.
'You should've declined! I don't want anybody's protection. I've been doing just fine without anyone!' I yelled.

'This is getting really intense' Dagan said and I gave him a death glare.
'You brought him here! I clearly told you not to!'
'I had no choice, ok. He wasn't gonna back off' Ali said.

'I just wanna live a normal life. I never asked for this kinda life. It sucks' I sighed 'I guess I can't run away from it anymore. This is who I am now'


Author's Note

Big surprise. Luce and Mike were identical twins. And Gen couldn't tell the difference, except Mike had an evil personality and Luce not so much.
Hope you guys are enjoying this story so far. Thanks for all the votes and support. It really means a lot to me.
More stories are yet to come.
Love y'all 😘😘😍

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