Finally OVER

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Lilith looked pretty terrified as everyone who'd seen her sudden transformation, but she tried so hard not to show it.
'I sense your fear Lilith' Gen's voice sounded ethereal and demonic 'What are you so afraid of? I gave you a chance to live. But it's such a pity how you've chosen to commit suicide'

Gen stabbed her shoulders with both wings.
'Umph.....' Lilith groaned falling to the ground.
'Get the hell up!' She ordered 'What happened to your ego? Did I crush it?.....' Gen made a sad face 'My bad'

'You won't get away with this!' Lilith shouted.
'Hmm.... Already did'
Gen was aiming to strike her heart next, but Lucifer appeared and blocked the attack.

'Oh c'mon!..... I almost got her. Did you seriously have to interfere now Pa? I was beginning have fun and you had to ruin it!' Gen snapped.
'That's enough!' Luce shouted.
'Like heck! I'd listen to you' She retorted 'Get the hell out of my way right now!'
'I said that's enough!...'

'You made me this way remember? You caused all this! You had the chance to fix whatever problem you had with your father. But no, you chose war instead. Now look what you've turned the world into. Look what you've done to me Pa' Gen laughs sadistically 'I won't forgive anyone who messes with my family. I won't forgive anyone who messes with my friends, no. I'm not gonna let this slide. She has to pay'

'I'm so sorry Prosperine. I regret all I'd done and I shouldn't have gone this far. I feel really awful. And I only realized I made a big mistake. I shouldn't have.... I shouldn't have' Luce repeated continuously.
'Really?' Gen scoffed 'Well sorry to bust your bubbles Pa. I'm done falling for the same shit over and over again 'Now get the hell outta my way!....'
Gen strikes him with the back of her wings sending him miles away.

'Now where were we?' She stared down at Lilith 'oh! I know, the part where you were about to die' Her eyes flashed mischievously.
'I'll tell you where you mother is, just please don't kill me' Lilith pleaded.

'Awnn.... She's pleading for her life. Didn't know you'd ever get scared of dying' Gen smirked 'It's a good thing though. You should know who's boss now' she clicked her tongue 'I don't need you to tell me where my mother is. I can always find her myself. I'm beginning to like my powers, thanks to you. I've changed my mind though. I won't kill you, nah.... I'm not that cold hearted you know'

In a jiffy an inhibitor collar appeared on her neck 'You won't be able to use your powers anymore, don't even try. You could really get hurt if you do. Take her away' Gen ordered, looking at the demons who were a bit persistent to do so.

'Listen up you all. The Armageddon ends here. No one has to die today' She said as they mumbled amongst themselves 'If you have any objections step forward, I dear you'
No one dared to move a muscle, neither the Demons or Angels.

'What happens now?' One of the demons asked.
'It's simple. You clean up the mess you've made. Now get on with it!' She ordered.

'THANK YOU' Gen heard a soft and slow whisper.
She looked up to the heavens. The dark clouds had disappeared and the sun shone ever so brightly.
She was back to normal again. And her work here was done.

It was finally OVER.

GENESIS: The 5th Horseman [Rediting]Where stories live. Discover now