He's the Devil

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Author's POV

'What are you doing here?' Charlotte asked her.
But Gen ignored her letting herself in.
'I didn't say you could come in' She closed the door shut, watching Gen climb up the stairs.
'I'm only staying for a period of time. I wasn't gonna ask for your permission anyway. I can always come back here anytime I feel like it' She said shutting the door behind her.

'Uhh!..... The nerve of that girl!... Uhh!.....' Charlotte grumbled 'Just know that you're to fend for yourself young lady!' She shouted to her hearing.

Gen leaned against the door, slowly squatting down on her haunches 'I can't do this anymore. I'm tired of it all' She face palmed.
'What do you want then child?' She heard a muffled voice speak.

She looked around the room, but didn't see a any sign of a trespasser.
'Great now I'm hearing things. I've gone crazy. Oh.... It's totally normal considering what I am'
Gen stood on feet, tiredly dragging herself to bed.
'I just need rest'
As soon as her head hit the soft pillow, she slowly drifted off.


Gen's POV

Propelling myself upwards, I looked outside and it was already dark.
'How long have I been asleep?' I sighed holding my aching head. It hurts like hell.
I groggily stood up from bed heading downstairs.

I didn't see a sign of Mama. 'Maybe she's gone out as usual' I went into the kitchen to make myself dinner.
'Empty' She emptied the refrigerator on purpose. My belly soon made that annoying sound.
I didn't have cash on me. I didn't take anything from the underworld. I didn't know what I was thinking when I took this drastic decision and I wasn't ready to face Ali. I wasn't ready to go back there. I needed to do this on my own.

I rushed back to my room and grabbed my jacket, before heading out. I walked across the street, stopping in front of Jason's porch.
I was contemplating whether to ring the doorbell or not, when the door suddenly flipped open.

'Gen?!' Jason said in bewilderment 'How?...... When did you?......' His words trailed off.
'Let's talk inside' I suggested 'it's a bit chilly out here and I'm freezing to death' I said rubbing my arms.
'Sure!' He opened the door ajar letting me in.

I made myself comfy in the warm cozy living room.
Jason disappeared for a while and came back with cup of hot chocolate.
'Here' He handed it over to me.
'Thank you' I said sipping from the mug.
It tasted so good..... Just what I need right now.

'So......' He began 'what's up?..... You didn't just show up for no reason'
'I left' I replied motionless.
'Why? Did something happen?'
He asked.
'Long story short. I got married and found out the whole shit happening in my life was all a plan, a fucking lie! ' I blurted.

'You're married?!......' Jason exclaimed in bewilderment.
'Well that's a bit surprising. Didn't know you'd ever wanna get married. And not at this age' Jason frowned at the thought of it.
'Well, it wasn't something I could run from. Though, I didn't want any of this. My father...... He planned it all and I couldn't do a thing about it' I sighed looking down at the mug in my hand 'I left because I found out he had an issue with God and wanted to use me against him'

'Wow!..... Things got a lot more messier than I thought it would. What are you gonna do now?' Jason asked.
'I dunno. I just decided to stay here for a while. Until they can fix whatever problem they have with each other. I'm done with this nonsense' I replied.
'I......' My belly growled cutting me off.

'Have you had anything yet?' Jason asked.
'Let's make dinner then. My mom won't be back until tomorrow. She has a night shift. So we have the house to ourselves. You can stay over if you'd like, I don't mind. I know you came here because you're only avoiding your mother' He said.
'Yeah, She still hates my guts so much' I replied sadly 'Anyways, she isn't that important in my life any longer. I actually don't give a fuck about her anymore'
'Well.... That's a start'
Jason walks towards the kitchen island as I trailed behind him.

'What are we making?' I asked him.
He scrunched up his eyes and grinned 'Pepperoni Lasagna'
'You're only making it because it's my favorite. I know how much you hate Pepperoni Lasagna. Why don't we make something I don't I've to eat alone' I pointed out.
'Nope, let's just go with the Lasagna' He replied.
'Man you gonna throw up if you had a single bite'
He shrugged 'I'll just order a Chinese takeout'

'Ok, that'd be selfish of you if you had to eat it all alone' I said 'You know what? Let's forget about the Lasagna and just order the takeout instead'
'If that's ok with you, fine' He agreed pulling out his phone from his pants pocket, he dialed a number and ordered the takeout.

In no time the doorbell dinged.
'Food's here' Jason said walking to the door 'Thank you' I heard him say to the delivery guy before closing the door behind him.
'Wow! Sichuan pork!...' I exclaimed literally drooling over the mouth watering food before.
(Oh goodness the food looks delicious)

'Dig in' Jason gestured and I gave him a cheeky grin

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'Dig in' Jason gestured and I gave him a cheeky grin.


Author's POV

'Where is she?!' Luce's voice boomed across the throne room.
'She went back up......' Ali said  'She found out about everything'
'I can't believe you let that happen! How could you be so reckless!...' He yelled.
'This wouldn't have happened if you hadn't lied to her in the first place. If you weren't so caught up with revenge, just maybe none of this would have happened. I'm fed up with your revenge nonsense. If you want the Armageddon to happen so badly, why don't you do It yourself Lucy. I'm out!' Ali said walking to the front door.

'Don't you dare!' Luce warned.
'You can't, even if you tried' Ali said shutting the door behind me.
'Arghhh!.....' Luce roared 'Bael!' He summoned a greenish looking demon.
Bael bowed 'Yes my Lord'
'Find Prosperine and bring her back no matter what!' Luce said and he bows before disappearing into tin air.

He's the devil and he gets what he wants.

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