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I trailed behind Qari as we walked down the hallway. It had many passage ways. I'd definitely get lost here if I walk alone.
'We're here' Qari said stopping in front of a big obsidian door.
She pulled it open revealing a grand dinning Hall.
12 to 9 people sat around a long table eating and chatting together. But there attention quickly turned towards me as I made my way to the table.

I could only recognize Papa and Ali. The arse was smirking at me.
But I totally  ignored him taking the empty sit next to Papa. The room had suddenly become awkwardly silent, a red Blondie guy sitting next to Ali spoke first.

'It's good to finally have you back Prosperine' He smiled at me 'The name's Beelzebub'
'Hi' I said awkwardly.
'I'm Belphegor and he is Mammon' He introduced pointing at the brunette sitting next to him 'He's Leviathan and next to him is Asodeus and Satan. We're the Princes of hell' He continued 'Welcome to the family Prosperine'

'Thank you' I replied noticing the Lady who sat across the table was glaring daggers at me.
What's her deal?
'I'm Lilith' She feigned smile 'Glad to have you back'
I could tell that wasn't genuine, she was emitting this negative vibe. I could clearly see right through her. She didn't like me at all. I didn't care though.

'Thank you' I replied feigning smile too.Two can play.
Papa finally spoke 'You'll start your training as soon as possible. Alistair will assist you'
Ugh! Why him?
'Because I the best around here' He replied.
Of course he could hear me. Cocky much.

'You'll also get to meet other horsemen when you're done with your training' Papa said.
'Ok' I replied dryly 'Do I really have to train?'
'Yes you have to' Pa said.
Man, I love my life up there better.

No STRESS at all.

GENESIS: The 5th Horseman [Rediting]Where stories live. Discover now