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Author's POV

When life gives you everything you ever wanted, at some point in time it takes it all back.

Gen held Jason's Mother, soothing her as they watched the  casket being lowered by cemetery staff.
She didn't shed a tear. She didn't see the need to. Because she knew Jason was in a better place.

Ali stood across from them, watching everything. No one could see him except Gen, because he didn't make his presence known to them.
He still felt guilty. If only he'd protected Jason like he was told to, he wouldn't have tried playing the hero.

Jason was only saving Charlotte, when he got hit instead.

Charlotte felt guilty. She now regrets all she'd done to Gen. If only  she'd forgive her.


Gen happened to be the last to stay.
She'd been staring at his grave for a very long time.
The whole situation still felt kinda strange to her.

Gen turned to walk away, but was met with Charlotte.
'Hey' She said.
Gen frowned 'Hi Ma'
'I uhh..... I wanted to.... I uhh' Charlotte stuttered.

'It's Ok Ma. I know what you wanna say. I forgive you' Gen said motionless.
'Really?!..... After all I'd done to you? I don't deserve.......' Gen cuts her of.
'Seriously, there's no need to be sentimental. I don't hold a grudge against you Ma. You did all you'd done for a reason right? I can't seem to know why and I don't wanna know' She stated.

'I feel awful, all those years you'd been enduring the pain I'd caused you. You needed a mother and I failed being one to you' She began to sob 'I feel ashamed. You such a wonderful kid and I didn't realize that until now. I'm so sorry Gen, you didn't get all the love you needed from me. I'm so sorry' She was now a crying mess.

Gen hugged her, slowly patting her back 'It's alright Ma. You don't need to keep apologizing. It's really ok'

'Who that guy over there?' Charlotte sniffed pulling away 'He keeps staring at us'
'Oh! Him?' Gen waved her hands in the air signaling him to come over. And in no time he appeared right next to her.
'You?!....' Charlotte exclaimed shocked.
'Do you guys know each other?' Gen asked.

'Yes we do' Ali replied.
'He visited the night you were born' She bent her head in shame 'I'd wanted to..... To kill you that night. I didn't know what came over me, but he came right on time and stopped me from doing so..... If he'd not showed up, I'd live with the guilt till now' She looked at Ali 'Thanks for stopping me that night. I don't know what would've happened if you didn't'
Ali only nodded as a response.

'So.... Since we're all cool now. Let's officially introduce you too' Gen smiled 'Mama meet Alistair my Husband. Ali meet my Ma'
'You're married?!' Charlotte asked with doe eyes.
'Yeah' She replied.
'Whoa, that's quite surprising. I feel bad for not being invited'  Charlotte said playing hurt.

'It wasn't anything special or grand, but I liked it though' Gen smiled looking at Ali, who smiled back at her.

'Are you guys coming to the dinner?' Charlotte asked.
'No, Maybe next time. We gotta go' Gen said.
'Ohh..... Ok'
Charlotte watched as a portal appeared.

'I was wondering if you'd come home sometime, so we could have some family time together' Charlotte said.
'Sure, I'd love that. Ali's coming too. He's family now' Gen replied.
'Of course he is' Charlotte chuckled.

'Bye Ma'
Gen stepped in first and Ali followed her behind.

GENESIS: The 5th Horseman [Rediting]Where stories live. Discover now