The Horsemen

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Author's POV

'You can't go on like this' Jason said to Gen 'You have to stop it. I know you can. If you don't everything...... I mean everyone one goes down the drain'
Gen looked down at him 'I'm afraid I can't stop any of this'
She flapped her wings creating a strong typhoon as the sea nearby began to flood the City.

People ran Helter Skelter, trying to take cover, but they were still carried away by the strong wave.
Gen watched. She just watched. Listening as people yelled for help.
'I wish you didn't turn out to be this way, because this isn't you anymore. You ain't the Gen I used to know' Jason closed his eyes as he got carried away by the wave too.

Gen watched as fire rained down from the heavens melting every single thing it came in contact with.

'Princess' A voice echoed.
She was finding it difficult to open her eyes.
'Hey! wake up!'
She yanked up breathing heavily. Her brow beaded with sweat.
'It happened again' She face palmed.

'Are you alright?' Ali asked worriedly.
Gen turned to look at him, giving him a reassuring smile 'Yeah, I'm fine. It was just another nightmare'
'Do you see it? The apocalypse?' He asked.
'Yes. I have these strange dreams of the whole world coming to an end and I'm always in the middle of it all. I cause the chaos. I can't seem to control myself and I'm afraid my dreams is a foresight of what is to come' Gen said sadly.

'Hey? You don't need to be sad, ok? We can't stop what is to come. We can't change that. Let's just hope it doesn't get disastrous  in the end' Ali said to her.
Gen sighed 'I hope so'
'C'mon now. We're meeting up with the others today' He helped her to her feet 'We have to get ready'

'Others?' Gen arched a brow.
'Yeah. The other Horsemen' Ali replied leading her to the bathroom.
'Oh.... Ok'


Gen's POV

We both walked into the grand hall hand in hand.
A trio of men sat about a long table. Their eyes turned towards our direction as we walked closer to them.
Ali sat at the far end of the table and I sat next to him.

'Man! so it was true. You didn't even invite us to your wedding' The red blondie sitting at the other side of the table said.
'I guess we don't matter to him anymore' The grey haired sitting next to him said wryly.
'He got a hottie for himself. Guess he doesn't wanna share this time'  The other said earning a death glare from Ali.

'Share? Did he.....?' I turned to look at him, but his expression was blank. I couldn't read him.
'I guess Hottie here doesn't know about the other girls' He continued 'If he ever breaks your heart, I'm always here you know?'
'That's enough!' Ali slammed his fist on the table causing it to shred in two.
Poor table.

'If you're here to talk nonsense and disrupt the atmosphere, you can as well use the door!' His voice boomed across the Hall.
'Sheesh man. You still got that temper' He said 'I was only.....'
The red blondie cuts him off 'Don't Seth. That's enough'
'Whatever' He rolled his eyes.

'We should've introduced ourselves earlier than causing trouble' The grey haired glared at Seth 'My apologies' he said to me.
'That's not a problem at all' I gave him a friendly smile.
'I'm Azazel, god of war and the first horseman' He introduced.
'I'm Crowley, god of pestilence. The second horseman' The grey haired said.
'And I'm Seth, god of chaos and the third horseman' Seth said and winked at me.
Now I see. His name says it all.

'Well.... I guess you guys know who I am...' They cut me off.
'No we don't!'
'Ohh!.... Ok. Well, the names Genesis, but they call me Prosperine down here. I actually prefer Genesis and I'm....'
Crowley cut me off again.
I see they all have the habit of doing so.
'Wait so you're Lucy's daughter?'
'Yup' I nodded.
'No way! She's the ANTICHRIST?!...' Azazel said.
'Do you have a problem with that?' Ali arched a brow.
'No. Not at all' Azazel said.
'In that case, let's cut to the chase of why we're here' Ali said staring at them.

'So...... We have seven seals' Azazel began 'Once she opens the first seal. The Armageddon follows right after. I guess that's what we've been all waiting for. Nothing is holding us back anymore'
'What seal are you talking about?' I asked him.
'You don't know? Thanatos you've never told her?' Seth said to him.

'She didn't need to know. It isn't necessary though. Let's continue, shall we?' Ali said looking at them expectantly.
'What's the whole point of this anyway?' I asked 'This Armageddon or whatever doesn't have anything to do with humans, so why get them involved?'

'It's what Lucifer wants. It's the only way he could get back to the Big Guy for kicking him out of heaven' Crowley said.
'You mean God?' I said in utter disbelief.
'Don't say his name so casually' Seth said.

'Like I give a fuck! I can't believe all this happening because of some sort of family conflict' I turned to look at Ali 'You knew about this, didn't you?..... And you never told me?!' I yelled at him 'I can't believe all you people did was make me believe that this was some sorta prophecy shit!'
'It is.... Partly' Ali said calmly 'I was gonna tell you, but....'
I didn't let him finish 'I don't give a fuck about your excuses. How is this going to work if you don't trust me?! You guys were gonna make me destroy the world over some family conflict that could be resolved'

'It's not as easy as you think. This can't be resolved' Ali said.
'Well I don't care!' I stood up heading to the door 'I'm not gonna be part of this madness anymore' I turned to look over my shoulder at him 'And please don't come looking for me'
'princess wait!' He called after me, but I ignored him angrily slamming the door behind me.

I thought we were going to work. I thought maybe he was different from everyone else. But, I  thought wrong.
He didn't trust me enough to tell me what was going on. I don't see why I should stay with someone like that.  He made me rethink what I'd said to him last night.


Ali's POV

'You've done it man' Seth said and I glared at him.
'You caused this Crowley!' I yelled at him.
'What did I do? I only told her the truth' He replied innocently. He's nothing close to that.

'If you'd just shut the hell up, this wouldn't have happened!' I shouted.
'Dude! Chill man' Azazel said to me 'This isn't gonna bring her back. You should be looking for a way to do so. Just leave this dimwit'
'Dimwit? Who the hell are you calling a dimwit?' Crowley said pissed.

'Get the hell out of here, before I shred you to pieces' I warned him.
'The hell! If you can do that' He challenged.
'I'm warning you Crowley. Get the hell out!'
'Fuck off Crow! You're getting him pissed!' Seth said.

He glared at me 'You fucking don't deserve her!' He said before disappearing.
'What's his deal?' Azazel said.
Seth shrugged 'He's just being jelly for nothing'
'I'll see you guys around' I stood up heading for the door.
'I'd advise you give her some time Than. She'll definitely come back' Seth said.
'Thanks man' I said to him.

I screwed up big time. I should've told her from the very start.
All this happened thanks to that arse hole.
I don't know what to do anymore.


Author's Note

Hi guys, so I decided to add Alistair's POV to this chapter. It isn't much, but I hope you guys like it.
Thanks for all the love and support. Luv y'all 😘😘

GENESIS: The 5th Horseman [Rediting]Where stories live. Discover now