Extra #3. Welcome to the family SCARLET

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'Dinner is served!' Gen said as everyone walked into the dinning room.

She took a seat next to Ali, dishing out a bowl of meatless paella for the twins.
They were picky eaters and hated veggies so much. But Gen had decided otherwise.

They began picking at their food, keeping the veggies aside. But Gen didn't seem to pay much attention to them, having felt a sharp pain in her lower abdomen, because the baby just kicked.
'Are you ok princess?' Ali asked having seen her expression.

'Yes. She just kicked. That's all, I'm fine' She replied.
'That's a good thing' Charlotte said gently squeezing her hand 'You're better at this than I'd ever been'
'Thanks Ma' Gen smiled 'I......' She stopped mid sentence, as she felt another sharp pain 'I think she's com.... Argh!.......' She wailed in pain. She was having painful contractions.

Ali helped her up carrying her bridal style and headed to the door as they all followed him behind.
'Mom could you help me with the hospital bag. It's upstairs, in our room' Ali said.

'Ok' Charlotte immediately rushed upstairs.
'Seth you'll drive'
The car door opened as he gently laid her on the passengers seat.
'Azazel drive with the kids and Mom. While the rest of you follow behind'
Ali said plopping down next to Gen and Seth turned on the ignition driving out of the driveway.

'Why drive, when teleportation is the easiest means of transportation?' Seth asked annoying the hell out of him.
'Just drive Seth! Stop asking stupid questions!' Ali snapped.
Seth didn't utter a word throughout their drive to the hospital.

As soon as they pulled up into the hospital's parking lot, a wheelchair was brought to them by a nurse.

Gen got placed on the chair and wheeled into the hospital.
She was immediately rushed to the birthing centre, as the contractions was getting worse and unbearable.
The pain was clear on her face. She screamed every 5 seconds, hopping the baby would just shoot out easily.

'Hey princess, I'm here ok. Everything's going to be fine' Ali held her hand soothing her.

The doctor and midwives walked in with Charlotte tailing behind them.

The contractions felt like a sharp pain shooting through her stomach.
Gen screamed panting and sweating profusely.
'It's time' The doctor said to her 'Gen, I'm going to need you to push, ok'
Gen nodded taking in a deep breath 'Ok'

She pushed and pushed, until the baby's head finally showed. They were making progress.
'You're doing great princess' Ali said to her.
'She's almost here Gen, you can do this. You've done this before' Charlotte said moving strands of hair away from her eyes.

'Keep pushing Gen, you're almost there' The doctor reminded her.
'Argh!.....' Gen pushed for the last time, squeezing Ali's hand tightly.

Soon the baby slid into the hands of the doctor, and her cries filled the room.
Immediately after the doctor cut the umbilical cord, the crying baby girl was put on Gen's chest.
Ali stood close to them, smiling.

'I love you' Gen said looking deep into her scarlet eyes. She went silent and didn't cry again.
'She's got your eyes' Charlotte smiled.
'Can I hold her?' Ali asked.
'You didn't need to ask, she's our bundle of joy' Gen said giving him the baby.

The others soon swarmed into the room, circling Ali and the baby.

'Awwn so cute' Satan cooed.
'You finally found someone adorable' Leviathan joked.
'Arse hole!' Satan swore and he laughed.
'We have kids in here and you're being a bad influence' Charlotte said.

'My bad' Satan said.
'Papa! Papa! Can we see her?' The twins were trying all they could to see their little sister.
'Of course, you can' Ali sat on a couch, so that they could see her.
'She's so adorable' Josie cooed holding her little hand.
'Hi baby sis, I'm your big bro' Jason said as the baby circled his index finger with her tiny hand.

'Have you guys decided a name for her yet?' Crowley asked.
'No' Gen said 'But I have one in mind.... I'd like to call her Scarlet'
'I agree. It's a nice name' Ali said.
'It's the color of her eyes though, but it's cool' Azazel said.
'Yeah' Asmodeus agreed.

'Welcome to the family SCARLET' Ali said, watching her eyes sparkle. She smiled.

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