Extra #2. The Whole Family

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Author's POV

Ding dong......
The doorbell rang for the second time.

'I'll get it' Gen placed the bowl of honey baked chicken on the table before heading to the door.

Opening the door, she was met with a crowd of people (Lol the whole family; Charlotte, Dagan, Leviathan, Mammon, Satan, Belphegor, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Azazel, Seth and Crowley, except Lucifer. He wouldn't dare to show his face)

'Hi guys' She beamed.
'How's our little princess doing?' Charlotte asked touching her baby bump.
'Giving Mama a hard time' Gen said as they all laughed 'welcome to our humble abode'
She opens the door ajar, letting everyone in.

'Nana! Nana!' The bubbly twins ran to great their Grandma.
'How's my little munchkins?' She slightly pinched their chubby cheeks making them giggle.

'Hi guys' Ali walked out of the kitchen.
'Hey man!' They all did the bro handshake.
'Whoa! the house is full' He looked around the living room.
At a corner, there were gift piles placed upon each other.

'We got that for the baby' Dagan stated.
'You didn't have to' Ali said.
'You should be thankful Swee' Gen gritted out pinching his arm.
'Ouch!' He yelped 'Of course I am' Ali feigned smile, rubbing his arm.
'Now, be the good hubby you're and move them to the nursery' She ordered.

'Bossy much' Ali grumbled.
'I heard that!' Gen said.
'Whaaat!.... I didn't say anything' He picked up half of the gifts rushing upstairs.
'Damn! What in the world did you do to him?' Seth said.
Gen shrugged 'He put her in there' She pointed at her bump 'So.....'

'I'm never getting married' Mammon said and they all burst into laughter.
'Me neither' Seth agreed 'I've changed my mind'

'Love conquers all Seth. Believe it or not' Gen said to him 'I need your help with dinner, Ma. Kids go play with your uncles' Gen said to the twins.
'Go on now' Charlotte stands from the red leather couch, following Gen behind.

'Uncle Beel!' The jaunty Jason jumped on top of him.
'Heyy little man' Beelzebub ruffled his hair playfully.
'Please.... Stop.....' Josie laughed uncomfortablly as Asodeus tickled her none stop.

GENESIS: The 5th Horseman [Rediting]Where stories live. Discover now