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Author's POV

Two days later

'This is a bad idea' Alistair pointed out, but Gen totally ignored him lighting up the red candle.
'You'll only make matters worse princess, you have to listen to me' He continued, but she didn't utter a word 'I see, nothing I say would ever change your mind. Fine! Do as you please' With that he disappeared.

'Finally! I can have some peace and quiet' Gen said picking up the athame, she exhaled 'Here goes nothing'

Te invoco a profundus inferni! (From the deepest hell I summon thee!)
Gen chanted coherently, cutting herself with the Athame and letting droplets of blood fall onto the floor magically drawing Baphomet's symbol, which is a goat head inside a pentagram.

Charlotte (Gen's Mother) barged in having heard her chants 'What the hell do you think you're doing?!' She yelled at her 'You're not allowed to bring back these VOODOO shit into my house!'

'You're wrong Ma. You don't get to boss me around anymore' Gen retorted 'Did you really think I wouldn't find out? What you were so afraid of........ This kinda life?...... You only cared about yourself. Sometimes I wonder if you're really my Mama'

'You're a monster!' Charlotte shouted 'I'm not your mother! You were a mistake. A big Mistake......' She continued spilling those hurtful words 'If only I wasn't so desperate for a child..... The world would have been a better place without your existence! I should've ended your life the minute you were born' She spat spitefully.

When the symbol was finally complete, the candle's light went out.
'Do you really think I would let you off so easily if you'd done so' Luce said cooly staring at her horrified face 'Hi Charlotte we meet again' He smirked 'Oh...... C'mon wipe that look off your face' He walked over to Gen grabbing her hand 'I see your powers are yet to fully manifest' He healed her bleeding wrist 'You'd do so much better once we go home'

'Home?....' She gave him a skeptical look.
'Yes' He replied.
'I'm not going anywhere!' She protests.
'You're coming with me! Whether you like it or not!' He snapped at her.

'I have a life here! I can't just abandon it!'
'You won't argue with me child. I assumed the day you'd summon me is the day you'd finally come home. You don't belong here. You never did' Luce said.

Charlotte cuts in 'She's not going anywhere!'
'I see you've finally got the nerve to speak. But I never asked for your opinion. You don't treat her like a mother should, so I don't see the reason why you get to tell me what to do!' His eyes turned crimson red 'You don't get a SAY in her life anymore' With that been said, Luce clasped her hand as they both disappeared leaving Charlotte behind.


Author's Note

Man!.... Who would've thought Charlotte was so cruel.
And to think she'd really wanted to kill Gen as a baby.... She's pretty evil.
And DAMN! Daddy Luce was so cool standing up for Gen.
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