The Wedding

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'We can't tell what he will do next Thanatos! The wedding must hold tomorrow' Luce said.
'This is my life too you know?' Ali pointed out.
'Of course. I'm I been a bit pushy?...... You know the prophecy right? It has just begun Thanatos and there's nothing we can do to stop it. The Armageddon was bound to happen!' Luce said.

'I understand you wanna protect her, so do I. But don't you think you're rather being inconsiderate?' Ali said.
'Let's not go over this again. We have bigger issues right now. Let's try and solve that first' Luce said in a dismissive tone.
'Ok' Ali teleports himself out of the throne room.


Gen's POV

I looked at my reflection in the mirror and exhaled 'I still can't believe he's making me do this'
'You look gorgeous' Qari complimented.
'Thank you' I feigned smile.
As much as I hate what I'm about to do, I can't stop it. And for some odd reason a part of me wants this.

'It's time' An all too familiar voice said.
I looked towards his direction as my demeanor changed 'Hi Papa'
'Are you ready?' He asked me.
'Yes' I replied dryly, standing up from the vanity chair.

'Let's go then' He gestures for me to hold his arm.
On our way to the throne room we didn't talk much, as I didn't want to speak to him.
As we stepped into the throne room, all eyes were on us.
I could only recognize a few faces, there weren't much people here though. And I'm glad the whole place wasn't crowded.

We walked towards Ali and a gray haired demon who stood beside him.
Ali never took his eyes off me and it made me shiver to the spine.
This wasn't the type of wedding I'd always wanted. And it wasn't ordinary either. But I kinda liked it.

The gray haired demon chanted in some weird language before commencing with the usual speech. Who does that? I wonder.
After we'd said our vows, Ali claimed my lips in a passionate kiss. Something I got really addicted to. I couldn't get enough.

He pulled away before we devoured each other in front of everyone.
I turned away in embarrassment as everyone began to clap.
He leaned over and whispered 'It's a good thing, you shouldn't be embarrassed'
I didn't say anything to him as we walked towards the table reserved only for us.

The other princes of hell came and congratulated us. Dagan was the last, before Lilith appeared out of nowhere.
'Don't think you've won this time' She said only to my hearing 'You won't be so lucky next time Prosperine. I'm always watching' She glared at me before walking away.
Why does she hate me so damn much? What did I ever do to her?


Author's Note

Whoa! They're finally married. That's awesome, Don't you think?
And the evil witch is still plotting to kill her. If looks could kill, Gen would be 6 feet under by now.
Let's have some fun in the next chapter. We don't have the time to think about the evil witch. Such a kill joy.

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